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9183: Game Entry Point
Used by the routine at GameEntryPointAlias.
GameEntryPoint 9183 XOR A Write 00 to;
9184 LD ($99F5),A
9187 LD ($99F6),A
918A DI Disable interrupts.
918B EXX Switch to the shadow registers.
918C PUSH HL Stash HL on the stack.
918D EXX Switch back to the normal registers.
918E LD ($F827),SP Write SP to *Initial_StackPointer.
9192 CALL InitialiseGame Call InitialiseGame.
Clear the screen buffer.
9195 CALL PrintString_Loop Call PrintString_Loop.
9198 DEFB $01 ControlCode_01.
919A DEFB $1A 98A8.
919B DEFW CustomFont
919D DEFB $FF Terminator.
919E JP MainMenu Jump to MainMenu.
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