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A3A4: Draw Current Opponent
Used by the routines at A272 and AADC.
Handles drawing the opponent image on the game screen.
DrawCurrentOpponent A3A4 LD A,($9AB7) Jump to Messaging_PrintPlayerCurrentTotal if *9AB7 is not zero.
A3A8 JR NZ,Messaging_PrintPlayerCurrentTotal
A3AA CALL FlashCurrentTotal Call FlashCurrentTotal.
Set up the opponent image area block positioning and attributes.
A3AD LD HL,$0101 Set the X/ Y co-ordinates in HL (01/ 01).
A3B0 LD BC,$0306 Set the height and width in BC (03/ 06).
A3B3 LD A,$46 The colour: INK: YELLOW, PAPER: BLACK (BRIGHT) .
A3B5 CALL FillAttributeBlock Call FillAttributeBlock.
Display the opponents image.
A3B8 LD BC,($9AAB) Load *CurrentOpponent_Portrait into BC.
A3BC LD DE,$0F01 Set the X/ Y co-ordinates in DE (0F/ 01).
A3BF CALL Draw_OpponentPortrait Call Draw_OpponentPortrait.
A3C2 RET Return.
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