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38869: Control Code 0: Clear Screen
Copies the attribute byte held by *Print_AttributeVariable to the address held by *PrintAttributeBuffer_Pointer 767 times.
The routine then copies 0 to the address held by *PrintScreenBuffer_Pointer, 6143 times.
ControlCode_ClearScreen 38869 PUSH BC Stash BC and DE on the stack.
38870 PUSH DE
Start with the attribute byte copy to *PrintAttributeBuffer_Pointer, 767 times.
38871 LD HL,(63516) HL=*PrintAttributeBuffer_Pointer.
38874 LD A,(63518) A=*Print_AttributeVariable.
38877 LD BC,767 BC=767.
38880 CALL Helper_Copier Call Helper_Copier.
Next copy 0 to *PrintScreenBuffer_Pointer, 6143 times.
38883 LD HL,(63531) HL=*PrintScreenBuffer_Pointer.
38886 XOR A A=0.
38887 LD BC,6143 BC=6143.
38890 CALL Helper_Copier Call Helper_Copier.
38893 JP ControlCode_FullReturn_2 Jump to ControlCode_FullReturn_2.
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