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D33F: Goldfish Game: Erase Sprite
Used by the routine at Handler_SeaCreatureAnimation.
BC Print co-ordinates
D Sprite height
E Sprite width
GoldfishGame_EraseSprite D33F LD HL,($5C36) Stash the current character set pointer at *CHARS on the stack.
D343 LD HL,$9F6C Write 9F6C (Graphics_MaskSprite) to *CHARS.
D346 LD ($5C36),HL
D349 LD A,$20 A=20.
D34B CALL GoldfishGame_PrintSprite Call GoldfishGame_PrintSprite.
D34E POP HL Restore the previous character set pointer from the stack, and write it to *CHARS.
D34F LD ($5C36),HL
D352 RET Return.
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