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D55C: Controls: Kempston Joystick
Used by the routine at GoldfishGame_PlayerControls.
Controls_KempstonJoystick D55C IN A,($1F) Read from the Kempston joystick port.
D55E PUSH AF Stash the control on the stack.
D55F AND $02 If left has been pressed, call GoldfishGame_PlayerMoveLeft.
D561 CALL NZ,GoldfishGame_PlayerMoveLeft
D564 POP AF Restore the current control but keep it on the stack.
D566 AND $04 If down has been pressed, call GoldfishGame_PlayerMoveDown.
D568 CALL NZ,GoldfishGame_PlayerMoveDown
D56B POP AF Restore the current control but keep it on the stack.
D56D AND $08 If up has been pressed, call GoldfishGame_PlayerMoveUp.
D56F CALL NZ,GoldfishGame_PlayerMoveUp
D572 POP AF Restore the current control from the stack.
D573 AND $01 If right has been pressed, call GoldfishGame_PlayerMoveRight.
D575 JP NZ,GoldfishGame_PlayerMoveRight
D578 RET Return.
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