Prev: B471 Up: Map Next: B494
B482: Check Music
Used by the routines at GameMenu and ThemeMusic.
If the music is still playing, jump ahead to ThemeMusic.
Check_Music B482 LD HL,($B4E7) HL=*Pointer_MusicData.
Retrieve music data (the terminator is 00).
B485 LD A,(HL) A=*HL.
B486 OR A If A is not zero jump to ThemeMusic.
B487 JR NZ,ThemeMusic
Music has finished, so kick off demo mode.
B489 LD A,$01 Write 01 to Flag_DemoMode.
B48B LD ($B55F),A
B48E LD A,$FF Write FF to TempStore_GameOptions.
B490 LD ($B4E9),A
B493 RET Return.
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