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61142: Animate: Transform Explosion
Set the co-ordinates for where to draw.
Animate_TransformExplosion 61142 LD BC,(53837) BC=*Active_MonsterXPosition/Active_MonsterYPosition.
61146 INC B Increment B by one.
61147 INC C Increment C by one.
61148 LD A,119 A=explosion sprite (119).
ID Sprite
119 sprite-119-left
61150 CALL PrintSprite Call PrintSprite.
61153 LD A,34 Write 34 to *JumpTable_Pointer.
61155 LD (53828),A
61158 XOR A Write 0 to *Active_MonsterIdleCountdown.
61159 LD (53833),A
61162 RET Return.
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