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894F: Afford To Fly Check
Used by the routines at ChooseLocationOrTakeJob and Handler_SubGame.
IX The active player; either 1UP_Name or 2UP_Name
Check_AffordToFly 894F LD L,(IX+$08) Fetch the players current location and store it in HL.
8952 LD H,(IX+$09)
8955 LD DE,$0006 Move HL by 0006 to point to the destination cost.
8958 ADD HL,DE
8959 LD E,(HL) Load the cost of this destination into DE.
895B LD D,(HL)
895C LD L,(IX+$0D) Loads the active players cash balance into HL.
895F LD H,(IX+$0E)
8962 AND A Subtract the cost of the destination from the active players cash balance.
8963 SBC HL,DE
8965 LD HL,$EFFA Return if the player can afford the "cheapest" destination.
8968 RET NC
Else, the player is stuck in their current destination. Set the flag for this.
8969 SET 5,(HL) Set bit 5 ("Can't Afford To Fly") of *GameState_1.
896B RET Return.
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