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95D2: Create Interrupt Byte Jump Table
Used by the routine at InitialiseGame.
CreateInterruptByteJumpTable 95D2 LD HL,$FE00 HL=InterruptLowOrderByteJumpTable.
95D5 LD A,H I=FE.
95D6 LD I,A
95D8 DEC A A=FD.
Write FD from InterruptLowOrderByteJumpTable for 0100 bytes. All will become clear soon...
CreateInterruptByteJumpTable_Loop 95D9 LD (HL),A Write A to *HL.
95DA INC L Increment L by one.
95DB JR NZ,CreateInterruptByteJumpTable_Loop Jump to CreateInterruptByteJumpTable_Loop if L is not equal to 00.
95DD INC H Increment H by one.
95DE LD (HL),A Write A to *HL.
95DF LD A,$C3 Write JP (C3) to *AliasInterruptRedirect.
95E1 LD ($FDFD),A
95E4 LD HL,$95ED Write InterruptRoutine to *FDFE.
95E7 LD ($FDFE),HL
95EA IM 2 Set interrupt mode 02.
95EC RET Return.
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