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B548: Print Match Card
Used by the routines at QuarterFinals, SemiFinals and TheFinal.
This first section clears the area of the dart board where the card will appear.
On return from CalculateScreenBuffer HL will contain the screen buffer destination.
Print_MatchCard B548 LD DE,$040A DE=04/ 0A.
B54B CALL CalculateScreenBuffer Call CalculateScreenBuffer.
B54E LD B,$80 B=80.
MatchCard_ClearLoop B550 PUSH BC Stash BC and HL on the stack.
B552 LD BC,$0012 BC=0012.
B555 PUSH HL Stash HL on the stack.
B556 POP DE Restore DE from the stack.
B557 LD (HL),$00 Write 00 to *HL.
B559 INC DE Increment DE by one.
B55C POP HL Restore HL from the stack.
B55D CALL NextScreenBufferLine Call NextScreenBufferLine.
B560 POP BC Restore BC from the stack.
B561 DJNZ MatchCard_ClearLoop Decrease counter by one and loop back to MatchCard_ClearLoop until counter is zero.
Colour the card background:
B563 LD HL,$040A Set the co-ordinates in HL to 04/ 0A.
B566 LD BC,$1013 Set the block dimensions in BC to 10/ 13.
B569 LD A,$60 Call FillAttributeBlock with INK: BLACK, PAPER: GREEN (BRIGHT) .
B56B CALL FillAttributeBlock
Colour the opponent portrait background:
B56E LD HL,$0A10 Set the co-ordinates in HL to 0A/ 10.
B571 LD BC,$0706 Set the block dimensions in BC to 07/ 06.
B574 LD A,$47 Call FillAttributeBlock with INK: WHITE, PAPER: BLACK (BRIGHT) .
B576 CALL FillAttributeBlock
Colour the card right-hand shadow:
B579 LD HL,$051D Set the co-ordinates in HL to 05/ 1D.
B57C LD BC,$1001 Set the block dimensions in BC to 10/ 01.
B57F LD A,$30 Call FillAttributeBlock with INK: BLACK, PAPER: YELLOW .
B581 CALL FillAttributeBlock
Colour the card bottom shadow:
B584 LD HL,$140B Set the co-ordinates in HL to 14/ 0B.
B587 LD BC,$0113 Set the block dimensions in BC to 01/ 13.
B58A LD A,$30 Call FillAttributeBlock with INK: BLACK, PAPER: YELLOW .
B58C CALL FillAttributeBlock
Colour the opponent portrait bottom shadow:
B58F LD HL,$1111 Set the co-ordinates in HL to 11/ 11.
B592 LD BC,$0106 Set the block dimensions in BC to 01/ 06.
B595 LD A,$20 Call FillAttributeBlock with INK: BLACK, PAPER: GREEN .
B597 CALL FillAttributeBlock
Colour the opponent portrait right-hand shadow:
B59A LD HL,$0B16 Set the co-ordinates in HL to 0B/ 16.
B59D LD BC,$0701 Set the block dimensions in BC to 07/ 01.
B5A0 LD A,$20 Call FillAttributeBlock with INK: BLACK, PAPER: GREEN .
B5A2 CALL FillAttributeBlock
B5A5 RET Return.
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