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B83D: Animation: Bar Maid
Used by the routine at Animation_ThrowingDart.
Plays through frames; 01, 02, 03, 03, 02, 01.
Animation_BarMaid B83D LD DE,$C724 DE=Graphics_BarMaid_01.
B840 CALL Print_BarMaid_Frame Call Print_BarMaid_Frame.
B843 LD DE,$C784 DE=Graphics_BarMaid_02.
B846 CALL Print_BarMaid_Frame Call Print_BarMaid_Frame.
B849 LD DE,$C7E4 DE=Graphics_BarMaid_03.
B84C CALL Print_BarMaid_Frame Call Print_BarMaid_Frame.
B84F LD DE,$C7E4 DE=Graphics_BarMaid_03.
B852 CALL Print_BarMaid_Frame Call Print_BarMaid_Frame.
B855 LD DE,$C784 DE=Graphics_BarMaid_02.
B858 CALL Print_BarMaid_Frame Call Print_BarMaid_Frame.
B85B LD DE,$C724 DE=Graphics_BarMaid_01.
B85E CALL Print_BarMaid_Frame Call Print_BarMaid_Frame.
B861 LD B,$0A B=0A.
B863 LD HL,$4810 HL=4810 (screen buffer location).
Animation_BarMaid_0 B866 PUSH BC Stash BC and HL on the stack.
B868 CALL Animation_Pint Call Animation_Pint.
B86B POP HL Restore HL and BC from the stack.
B86D DEC L Decrease L by one.
B86E DJNZ Animation_BarMaid_0 Decrease counter by one and loop back to Animation_BarMaid_0 until counter is zero.
B870 RET Return.
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