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37543: Process Single Line Zipper Reveal
Used by the routine at RevealDartboard.
DE Current reveal co-ordinates
Handles the pixel manipulation for one line of the reveal effect, including both straight copying of already-revealed areas and masked reveal of transition areas.
ProcessRevealLine 37543 PUSH DE Stash the reveal co-ordinate on the stack.
First handle the already-revealed portion.
37544 DEC E Decrease E by one for the check below.
Is the X coordinate within the screen boundaries?
37545 LD A,E Jump to ProcessRevealLine_Skip if (0 <= E < 32).
37546 CP 32
37548 JR NC,ProcessRevealLine_Skip
37550 AND A
37551 JP M,ProcessRevealLine_Skip
37554 CALL CopyRevealLine Call CopyRevealLine.
ProcessRevealLine_Skip 37557 POP DE Restore the reveal co-ordinate from the stack.
37558 LD A,E Return if X is past the right-hand edge of the screen.
37559 CP 32
37561 RET NC
37562 PUSH DE Stash the reveal co-ordinate on the stack.
On return from CalculateDartBoardAddress HL will contain the dart board graphic destination (i.e. DartBoard onwards).
37563 CALL CalculateDartBoardAddress Call CalculateDartBoardAddress.
Set up the source and destination addresses.
37566 LD D,H Copy the dart board graphic location from HL into DE.
37567 LD E,L
37568 LD A,H H-=32.
37569 SUB 32
37571 LD H,A
Process 8 pixel rows with the reveal mask.
37572 LD B,8 Set a counter in B for the number of pixels rows to process.
Mask value; altered to either- 1 at RevealDartboard_ModifyMaskForLower, or 255 at RevealDartboard_ModifyMaskForUpper.
Reveal_MaskValue 37574 LD C,255 Set the initial mask value.
RevealDartboard_MaskLoop 37576 LD A,(DE) Get the dartboard graphic byte.
37577 OR C Apply the reveal mask.
37578 LD (HL),A Write the result to the screen.
37579 INC H Move to the next screen line.
37580 INC D Move to the next dartboard graphic line.
Shift command. Altered to either;
Reveal_ShiftCommand 37581 SRL C Shift the mask value.
37583 DJNZ RevealDartboard_MaskLoop Decrease the pixel row counter by one and loop back to RevealDartboard_MaskLoop until all 8 lines have been processed.
Work out which attribute byte to apply.
37585 POP HL Restore the original reveal co-ordinate from the stack.
37586 LD A,L Is the co-ordinate in the menu or dartboard area?
37587 CP 8
Default with the dartboard attribute value.
37591 JR NC,RevealDartboard_SetAttribute Jump to RevealDartboard_SetAttribute if the X co-ordinate is greater than or equal to 8.
The X co-ordinate was less than 8 so use the menu attribute value.
Stash the attribute byte temporarily as CalculateAttributeBuffer needs the A register.
RevealDartboard_SetAttribute 37595 EX AF,AF' Temporarily switch the attribute byte with the shadow AF register.
CalculateAttributeBuffer converts given co-ordinates into an attribute buffer location (into HL).
37596 CALL CalculateAttributeBuffer Call CalculateAttributeBuffer.
37599 EX AF,AF' Restore the attribute byte back from the shadow AF register.
37600 LD (HL),A Write the colour attribute byte to the attribute buffer.
37601 RET Return.
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