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38774: Handler: Control Code
Used by the routines at PrintCharacter and Controller_CharacterPrinting.
Handler_ControlCode 38774 LD A,(63508) Retrieve *Buffer_ControlCode and store it in A.
38777 ADD A,A Multiply it by 2.
38778 LD HL,39301 HL=JumpTable_ControlCodes.
38781 ADD A,L Calculate the offset.
38782 LD L,A
38783 JR NC,ControlCode_NoCarry Jump to ControlCode_NoCarry if there's no carry.
38785 INC H Handle the carry.
ControlCode_NoCarry 38786 LD A,(HL) Get the referenced address from the jump table.
38787 INC HL
38788 LD H,(HL)
38789 LD L,A
38790 PUSH HL Stash the handler address on the stack.
38791 LD HL,63512 HL=63512.
38794 RET Return.
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