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39210: Control Code 7:
ControlCode_07 39210 PUSH BC Stash BC on the stack.
39211 LD C,0 Set initial speaker state in C to OFF.
39213 LD B,20 Set the repeat loop counter in B to 20.
ControlCode_07_OuterLoop 39215 LD HL,20 Set the delay loop in HL to 0020.
ControlCode_07_DelayLoop 39218 DEC HL Decrease the delay loop by one.
39219 LD A,H Jump back to ControlCode_07_DelayLoop until the delay loop is zero.
39220 OR L
39221 JR NZ,ControlCode_07_DelayLoop
39223 LD A,C Flip the current speaker state.
39224 XOR %00010000
39226 LD C,A
39227 OUT (254),A Send it to the speaker.
39229 DJNZ ControlCode_07_OuterLoop Decrease the repeat loop counter by one and loop back to ControlCode_07_OuterLoop until the repeat loop counter is zero.
39231 JP ControlCode_Return_2 Jump to ControlCode_Return_2.
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