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42254: Routine at A50E
Used by the routine at Handler_FloatingHand.
42254 LD DE,(39619) DE=*FloatingHandCoordinates.
42258 DEC D Decrease D by one.
42259 LD HL,30720 HL=30720.
42262 LD B,10 B=10.
42264 PUSH BC Stash BC, HL and DE on the stack.
42265 PUSH HL
42266 PUSH DE
42267 LD A,D A=D.
42268 CP 0 Jump to 42279 if A is less than 0.
42270 JR C,42279
42272 CP 24 Jump to 42279 if A is greater than or equal to 24.
42274 JR NC,42279
42276 CALL 42326 Call 42326.
42279 POP DE Restore DE and HL from the stack.
42280 POP HL
42281 LD BC,64 HL+=0064.
42284 ADD HL,BC
42285 INC D Increment D by one.
42286 POP BC Restore BC from the stack.
42287 DJNZ 42264 Decrease counter by one and loop back to 42264 until counter is zero.
42289 RET Return.
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