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43610: Handler: Match
Used by the routine at Messaging_YouWin.
Handler_Match 43610 LD HL,39590 HL=Leg_1UP.
43613 INC (HL) Increment *HL by one.
43614 LD A,(HL) Jump to 43740 if *HL is not equal to 2.
43615 CP 2
43617 JR NZ,43740
43619 XOR A Write 0 to *Leg_1UP and *Leg_2UP.
43620 LD (HL),A
43621 LD HL,39591
43624 LD (HL),A
43625 CALL Print_PlayArea Call Print_PlayArea.
43628 CALL SemiFinals Call SemiFinals.
43631 CALL LongPause Call LongPause three times.
43634 CALL LongPause
43637 CALL LongPause
43640 JP 43740 Jump to 43740.
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