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44548: Long Pause
LongPause 44548 LD B,3 Set a repeat counter in B for 3 loops.
LongPause_RepeatLoop 44550 LD HL,65535 Set a delay counter in HL to 65535. We count down from this value to zero three times.
LongPause_DelayLoop 44553 DEC HL Decrease the delay counter by one.
44554 LD A,H Jump back to LongPause_DelayLoop until the delay counter is zero.
44555 OR L
44556 JR NZ,LongPause_DelayLoop
44558 LD A,(63521) Return if bit 4 of *ControlByte is set.
44561 BIT 4,A
44563 RET NZ
44564 DJNZ LongPause_RepeatLoop Decrease the repeat counter by one and loop back to LongPause_RepeatLoop until the repeat counter is zero.
44566 RET Return.
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