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43256: Start Menu
Used by the routines at InitialiseNewGame and Messaging_HardLuck.
StartMenu 43256 XOR A Write 0 to;
43257 LD (39722),A
43260 LD (39724),A
43263 LD (39723),A
43266 LD HL,1281 Write 1281 to *44893.
43269 LD (44893),HL
43272 LD A,20 Write 20 to *39725.
43274 LD (39725),A
43277 LD HL,501 Write 501 to *Total.
43280 LD (39711),HL
43283 CALL 43458 Call 43458.
43286 CALL PrintString_Loop Call PrintString_Loop.
43289 DEFB 16,7 INK: WHITE.
43291 DEFB 17,0 PAPER: BLACK.
43293 DEFB 18,1 FLASH: ON.
43295 DEFB 22,1,1 PRINT AT: 1, 1.
43298 DEFM "1" 1
43299 DEFB 22,3,1 PRINT AT: 3, 1.
43302 DEFM "TUNE" tune
43306 DEFB 22,4,1 PRINT AT: 4, 1.
43309 DEFM "UP" up
43311 DEFB 22,7,1 PRINT AT: 7, 1.
43314 DEFM "2" 2
43315 DEFB 22,9,1 PRINT AT: 9, 1.
43318 DEFM "GAME" game
43322 DEFB 22,10,1 PRINT AT: 10, 1.
43325 DEFM "ON" on
43327 DEFB 22,13,1 PRINT AT: 13, 1.
43330 DEFM "3" 3
43331 DEFB 22,15,1 PRINT AT: 15, 1.
43334 DEFM "TWO" two
43337 DEFB 22,16,1 PRINT AT: 16, 1.
43340 DEFM "PLAYER" player
43346 DEFB 22,19,1 PRINT AT: 19, 1.
43349 DEFM "4" 4
43350 DEFB 22,21,1 PRINT AT: 21, 1.
43353 DEFM "OOPS[" oops
43358 DEFB 255 Terminator.
43359 CALL LongPause Call LongPause.
StartMenu_InputLoop 43362 CALL 38495 Call 38495.
43365 CP 49 Jump to AroundTheClock if the player has pressed "1".
43367 JR Z,AroundTheClock
43369 CP 50 Jump to Game_OnePlayer if the player has pressed "2".
43371 JP Z,Game_OnePlayer
43374 CP 51 Jump to Game_TwoPlayer if the player has pressed "3".
43376 JP Z,Game_TwoPlayer
43379 CP 52 Jump back to MainMenu if the player has pressed "4".
43381 JP Z,MainMenu
43384 JR StartMenu_InputLoop Jump to StartMenu_InputLoop.
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