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38495: Routine at 965F
Used by the routines at 37393, MainMenu, Debounce_CheckKeys and StartMenu.
38495 HALT Halt operation (suspend CPU until the next interrupt).
38496 CALL 38536 Call 38536.
38499 RET Z Return if A is zero.
38500 CP (IY+101) Compare A with *IY+101.
38503 JR Z,38524 Jump to 38524 if BC is equal to C.
38505 OR A Set the bits from A.
38506 JR NZ,38511 Jump to 38511 if BC is not equal to A.
38508 LD (63589),A Write A to *63589.
38511 CP 4 Jump to 38495 if A is less than 4.
38513 JR C,38495
38515 LD (63589),A Write A to *63589.
38518 LD (IY+102),15 Write 15 to *IY+102.
38522 OR A Set the bits from A.
38523 RET Return.
38524 DEC (IY+102) Decrease *IY+102 by one.
38527 JP P,38495 Jump to 38495 if A is greater than or equal to A.
38530 LD (IY+102),1 Write 1 to *IY+102.
38534 OR A Set the bits from A.
38535 RET Return.
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