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37695: Main Menu
MainMenu 37695 XOR A Write 0 to;
37696 LD (39723),A
37699 LD (39607),A
37702 CALL 51998 Call 51998.
Zero the displayed score.
37705 LD HL,37294 HL=37294.
37708 LD DE,37295 DE=37295.
37711 LD BC,5 BC=0005.
37714 LD (HL),48 Write "0" to the first digit in Messaging_Score.
37716 LDIR Copy the zero to the next five digits.
Print the menu options.
Note; the bright white doesn't happen until later.
37718 CALL PrintString_Loop Call PrintString_Loop.
37722 DEFB 16,0 INK: BLACK.
37724 DEFB 17,0 PAPER: BLACK.
37726 DEFB 22,5,7 PRINT AT: 5, 7.
37729 DEFM "1 KEYBOARD" 1-keyboard
37739 DEFB 22,7,7 PRINT AT: 7, 7.
37742 DEFM "2 KEMPSTON JOYSTICK" 2-kempston-joystick
37761 DEFB 22,9,7 PRINT AT: 9, 7.
37764 DEFM "3 INTERFACE TWO " 3-interface-two
37780 DEFB 22,11,7 PRINT AT: 11, 7.
37783 DEFM "4 CURSOR JOYSTICK " 4-cursor-joystick
37801 DEFB 22,13,7 PRINT AT: 13, 7.
37804 DEFM "5 REDEFINE KEYS" 5-redefine-keys
37819 DEFB 22,18,7 PRINT AT: 18, 7.
37822 DEFM "0 START GAME" 0-start-game
37834 DEFB 255 Terminator.
Display the header and footer messaging.
37835 CALL Messaging_HeaderFooter Call Messaging_HeaderFooter.
Set the bright white colouring.
37838 CALL SetAttributeBuffer_WhiteInk Call SetAttributeBuffer_WhiteInk.
Now begin setting up the dart pointer.
37841 LD HL,1281 Set the initial position of the dart pointer to HL (1281).
37844 LD B,4 Set a counter in B for the width of the dart pointer.
Clear the attributes of all possible positions of the dart pointer.
ClearDartPointerAttributePositions 37846 PUSH BC Stash the dart width counter and dart co-ordinates on the stack.
37847 PUSH HL
37848 CALL ClearDartPointerAttributes Call ClearDartPointerAttributes.
37851 POP HL Restore the dart co-ordinates from the stack.
37852 INC H Move down two rows (the height of the dart pointer).
37853 INC H
37854 POP BC Restore the dart width counter from the stack.
37855 DJNZ ClearDartPointerAttributePositions Decrease the dart width counter by one and loop back to ClearDartPointerAttributePositions until the counter is zero.
Initialise the dart pointer.
37857 LD DE,1280 Set the initial position of the dart pointer to DE (1280).
37860 LD B,4 Set a counter in B for the width of the dart pointer.
DrawDartPointer_Loop 37862 PUSH BC Stash the dart width counter and dart co-ordinates on the stack.
37863 PUSH DE
37864 CALL MainMenu_PrintDartPointer Call MainMenu_PrintDartPointer.
37867 POP DE Restore the dart co-ordinates and dart width counter from the stack.
37868 POP BC
37869 INC D Increment D by two.
37870 INC D
37871 DJNZ DrawDartPointer_Loop Decrease the dart width counter by one and loop back to DrawDartPointer_Loop until the counter is zero.
ColourDartPointerAttributes_Loop 37873 CALL MainMenu_ColourDartPointer Call MainMenu_ColourDartPointer.
37876 CALL 38495 Call 38495.
37879 PUSH AF Stash AF on the stack.
37880 POP AF Restore AF from the stack.
37881 JR Z,ColourDartPointerAttributes_Loop Jump to ColourDartPointerAttributes_Loop if D is equal to 4.
Has the player hit "Start Game"?
37883 CP 48 Jump to MainMenu_Next if "0" was not pressed (ASCII 48 is "0").
37885 JR NZ,MainMenu_Next
A game was started...
37887 CALL Sound_MenuTick Call Sound_MenuTick.
Consolidate the selected configs.
37890 LD A,(39414) Write *DartPointer_Position to *ControlType.
37893 LD (39413),A
Then play an absolutely stunning reveal animation!
First calculate the co-ordinates of the selected menu item.
37896 ADD A,A The menu items are spaced two rows apart, so double the value in A and also they start five rows from the top of the screen so add that too and store the result in D.
37897 ADD A,5
37899 LD D,A
37900 LD E,1 The dart graphic is indented by one column - store this in E.
Initialise the animation counter.
37902 LD B,62 Set a counter in B of the number of loops to complete the animation (62).
The main animation loop. Each iteration reveals one more column of the transition.
RevealDartboard_AnimationLoop 37904 PUSH BC Stash the reveal loop counter and dart pointer co-ordinates on the stack.
37905 PUSH DE
Synchronise with the screen refresh so the animation is smooth.
37906 HALT Halt operation (suspend CPU until the next interrupt).
37907 CALL MainMenu_PrintDartPointer Call MainMenu_PrintDartPointer.
37910 POP HL Restore the dart pointer co-ordinates from the stack into HL.
37911 PUSH HL But keep a copy on the stack for later.
37912 INC L Move the dart pointer right one position.
Draw the dart pointer at the new position.
37913 CALL PrintDartPointer Call PrintDartPointer.
Process one step of the reveal.
37916 POP DE Restore the dart pointer co-ordinates from the stack into DE.
37917 PUSH DE But keep a copy on the stack for later.
37918 CALL RevealDartboard Call RevealDartboard.
37921 POP DE Restore the dart pointer co-ordinates from the stack.
37922 INC E Move the dart pointer right one position.
37923 POP BC Restore the reveal loop counter from the stack.
37924 DJNZ RevealDartboard_AnimationLoop Decrease the reveal loop counter by one and loop back to RevealDartboard_AnimationLoop until the dartboard is fully revealed.
The reveal animation is now complete!
37926 JP Initialise_DartboardMenu Jump to Initialise_DartboardMenu.
MainMenu_Next 37929 CP 54 Jump to ColourDartPointerAttributes_Loop if A is greater than (ASCII 54 is "6").
37931 JP NC,ColourDartPointerAttributes_Loop
37934 CP 48 Jump to ColourDartPointerAttributes_Loop if A is less than (ASCII 48 is "0").
37936 JP C,ColourDartPointerAttributes_Loop
37939 SUB 49 A-=49.
37941 PUSH AF Stash AF on the stack.
37942 CALL ClearCurrentDartPointerAttributes Call ClearCurrentDartPointerAttributes.
37945 CALL Sound_MenuTick Call Sound_MenuTick.
37948 POP AF Restore AF from the stack.
37949 LD (39414),A Write A to *DartPointer_Position.
37952 CP 4 Jump to ColourDartPointerAttributes_Loop if A is not equal to 4.
37954 JP NZ,ColourDartPointerAttributes_Loop
37957 CALL Messaging_RedefineKeys Call Messaging_RedefineKeys.
37960 CALL Debounce_CheckKeys Call Debounce_CheckKeys.
37963 JP MainMenu Jump to MainMenu.
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