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A8F8: Start Menu
Used by the routines at InitialiseNewGame and Messaging_HardLuck.
StartMenu A8F8 XOR A Write 00 to;
A8F9 LD ($9B2A),A
A8FC LD ($9B2C),A
A8FF LD ($9B2B),A
A902 LD HL,$0501 Write 0501 to *AF5D.
A905 LD ($AF5D),HL
A908 LD A,$14 Write 14 to *9B2D.
A90A LD ($9B2D),A
A90D LD HL,$01F5 Write 01F5 to *Total.
A910 LD ($9B1F),HL
A913 CALL $A9C2 Call A9C2.
A916 CALL PrintString_Loop Call PrintString_Loop.
A919 DEFB $10,$07 INK: WHITE.
A91D DEFB $12,$01 FLASH: ON.
A91F DEFB $16,$01,$01 PRINT AT: 01, 01.
A922 DEFM "1" 1
A923 DEFB $16,$03,$01 PRINT AT: 03, 01.
A926 DEFM "TUNE" tune
A92A DEFB $16,$04,$01 PRINT AT: 04, 01.
A92D DEFM "UP" up
A92F DEFB $16,$07,$01 PRINT AT: 07, 01.
A932 DEFM "2" 2
A933 DEFB $16,$09,$01 PRINT AT: 09, 01.
A936 DEFM "GAME" game
A93A DEFB $16,$0A,$01 PRINT AT: 0A, 01.
A93D DEFM "ON" on
A93F DEFB $16,$0D,$01 PRINT AT: 0D, 01.
A942 DEFM "3" 3
A943 DEFB $16,$0F,$01 PRINT AT: 0F, 01.
A946 DEFM "TWO" two
A949 DEFB $16,$10,$01 PRINT AT: 10, 01.
A94C DEFM "PLAYER" player
A952 DEFB $16,$13,$01 PRINT AT: 13, 01.
A955 DEFM "4" 4
A956 DEFB $16,$15,$01 PRINT AT: 15, 01.
A959 DEFM "OOPS[" oops
A95E DEFB $FF Terminator.
A95F CALL LongPause Call LongPause.
StartMenu_InputLoop A962 CALL $965F Call 965F.
A965 CP $31 Jump to AroundTheClock if the player has pressed "1".
A967 JR Z,AroundTheClock
A969 CP $32 Jump to Game_OnePlayer if the player has pressed "2".
A96B JP Z,Game_OnePlayer
A96E CP $33 Jump to Game_TwoPlayer if the player has pressed "3".
A970 JP Z,Game_TwoPlayer
A973 CP $34 Jump back to MainMenu if the player has pressed "4".
A975 JP Z,MainMenu
A978 JR StartMenu_InputLoop Jump to StartMenu_InputLoop.
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