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46786: The Final
Used by the routine at Handler_SemiFinal.
TheFinal 46786 LD HL,46191 Copy 0016 bytes of data from *Table_Opponent_JammyJim to *Messaging_OpponentName_Wins.
46789 LD DE,45433
46792 LD BC,16
46795 LDIR
46797 LD HL,46191 Copy 0016 bytes of data from *Table_Opponent_JammyJim to *TheFinal_OpponentName.
46800 LD DE,46855
46803 LD BC,16
46806 LDIR
46808 CALL Print_MatchCard Call Print_MatchCard.
46811 CALL PrintString_Loop Call PrintString_Loop.
46814 DEFB 16,7 INK: WHITE.
46816 DEFB 17,4 PAPER: GREEN.
46818 DEFB 18,1 FLASH: ON.
46820 DEFB 22,5,15 PRINT AT: 5, 15.
46823 DEFM "THE FINAL" the-final
46832 DEFB 22,8,13 PRINT AT: 8, 13.
46835 DEFB 16,0 INK: BLACK.
46837 DEFM "YOUR OPPONENT" your-opponent
46850 DEFB 22,18,12 PRINT AT: 18, 12.
46853 DEFB 16,7 INK: WHITE.
TheFinal_OpponentName 46855 DEFM "0000000000000000" "0000000000000000".
46871 DEFB 255 Terminator.
The finals are always with Jammy Jim.
46872 LD HL,46191 HL=Table_Opponent_JammyJim.
46875 LD DE,17 Move the pointer by 0017 bytes...
46878 ADD HL,DE
46879 LD C,(HL) Load the opponents portrait graphic pointer into BC.
46880 INC HL
46881 LD B,(HL)
46882 LD (39595),BC Write BC to *CurrentOpponent_Portrait.
46886 INC HL Load the opponents pub scene graphic pointer into BC.
46887 LD C,(HL)
46888 INC HL
46889 LD B,(HL)
46890 LD (39598),BC Write BC to *CurrentOpponent_PubScene.
Draw the opponent portrait to the screen.
46894 LD BC,(39595) BC=*CurrentOpponent_Portrait.
46898 LD DE,2576 Set the destination co-ordinates to: 10/ 16.
46901 CALL Draw_OpponentPortrait Call Draw_OpponentPortrait.
46904 LD A,1 Write 1 to *39604.
46906 LD (39604),A
46909 INC A Increment A by one.
46910 CALL 51947 Call 51947.
46913 RET Return.
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