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52322: Initialise AY Sound
Used by the routines at 40258, 43740 and 51986.
Initialise_AYSound 52322 XOR A A=0.
52323 LD (53257),A Write A to *53257.
This entry point is used by the routine at 52356.
Initialise_AYSound_0 52326 LD C,253 Set the port number for the AY sound in C (253).
52328 LD DE,3328 DE=3328.
52331 SUB A A-=A.
Initialise_AYSound_1 52332 LD B,255 Select the register port.
52334 OUT (C),D Select register.
52336 LD B,191 Set the data port in B (191).
52338 OUT (C),A Write zero to the register.
52340 DEC D Decrease D by one.
52341 JP P,Initialise_AYSound_1 Jump back to Initialise_AYSound_1 if D is greater than or equal to 0.
Set mixer control.
52344 LD DE,1855 DE=1855.
52347 LD B,255 B=255.
52349 OUT (C),D Select mixer register.
52351 LD B,191 Set the data port in B (191).
52353 OUT (C),E Set mixer state.
52355 RET Return.
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