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B9FB: Copy Shadow Buffer To Screen
Used by the routines at 813B, Draw_Characters_CurrentRoom, ED2A, EDF7, EFC7 and F177.
Copy the shadow screen buffer to the playarea (beginning at memory location 4800).
ShadowBufferToScreen B9FB LD HL,$6B00 HL=ShadowBuffer.
B9FE LD IX,$8278 IX=8278.
BA02 LD BC,$1000 BC=1000 (bytes of data).
Fetch the screen buffer from the look up table held by IX.
ShadowBufferToScreen_Loop BA05 LD E,(IX+$00) E=*IX+00.
BA08 LD D,(IX+$01) D=*IX+01.
BA0B INC IX Increment IX by two.
BA0F CALL CopyRoutine Call CopyRoutine.
BA12 JP PE,ShadowBufferToScreen_Loop Jump to ShadowBufferToScreen_Loop until BC is zero.
Copy the shadow attribute buffer to the attribute buffer.
BA15 LD BC,$0200 BC=0200 (bytes of data).
BA18 LD HL,$FC00 HL=ShadowBuffer_Attribute.
BA1B LD DE,$5900 DE=5900.
ShadowBufferToScreen_Attributes_Loop BA1E CALL CopyRoutine Call CopyRoutine.
BA21 JP PE,ShadowBufferToScreen_Attributes_Loop Jump to ShadowBufferToScreen_Attributes_Loop until BC is zero.
BA24 RET Return.
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