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8D33: Action Pickup
Used by the routine at ActionTie.
Action_Pickup 8D33 CALL $9C78
8D36 LD HL,$AE11 HL="You are already carrying[0x07][0x15]"
8D39 JP C,PrintMsg
This entry point is used by the routine at Action_Putdown.
Action_Pickup_0 8D3C CALL Action_Putdown_1
8D3F LD A,($B6EA)
Action_Pickup_1 8D42 CALL LocateObject
8D45 LD A,($B6E8)
8D48 CP (IX+$01)
8D4B JP Z,$9F76
8D4E LD A,(IX+$01)
8D51 CP $FF
8D53 JR NZ,Action_Pickup_1
8D55 LD IX,($B708)
8D59 CALL $9D44
8D5C LD A,(IX+$01)
8D5F CP $12
8D61 LD A,($B6EA)
8D64 JR Z,Action_Pickup_2
8D66 LD (IX+$01),A
8D69 RET
Action_Pickup_2 8D6A LD ($C367),A
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