Don't Spend Money
POKE 9700,8E
This alters the following line:
9700 SBC A,(HL)
To ADD (with carry) instead of subtract:
9700 ADC A,(HL)
You've 9999 pounds (the max) -use these when you've to select city- (*)
POKE 8C35,99
POKE 8C36,99
You've 9999 pounds (the max) -these pokes ONLY work while you're playing a city.
Don't Spend Money (alt)
POKE 9700,1A
POKE 9701,00
This alters the following line:
9700 SUB A,(HL)
9701 DAA
To just set A to the current value in the wallet (so it doesn't ever decrease):
9700 LD A,(DE)
9701 NOP
Game Doesn't End When Cash is £0000
POKE 8896,00
POKE 8964,62
This alters the following line:
888F LD BC,(EFF7) Jump to 88AB if *ActivePlayerCash_01 is zero.
8893 LD A,B
8894 OR C
8895 JR Z,88AB
8895 JR Z,8897
So the relative jump just moves onto the next instruction.
And also alters the following line:
8962 AND A Subtract the cost of the destination from the active players cash balance.
8963 SBC HL,DE
8963 SBC HL,HL
Which means "subtract the the active players cash balance from itself", this means the player can then always afford the flight (as it's signified using the carry flag with RET NC).
The Bull Doesn't Kill
POKE B709,3A
This alters the following line:
B707 LD A,08 Write 00001000 ("Hit By The Bull") to *GameState_1.
B709 LD (EFFA),A
B70C JP 9926 Jump to 9926.
B709 LD A,(EFFA)
So the game flag for setting that the player has been struck by the bull is never set.
Not Deported From Moscow
POKE C826,18
This alters the following line:
C824 CP 40
C826 JR NZ,C832
To jump regardless of the result of the comparison:
C824 CP 40
C826 JR C832