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602E: Draw PlayArea
Used by the routine at LevelNew.
DrawPlayArea 602E LD HL,($5C36) Stash CHARS on the stack.
6031 PUSH HL
6032 LD HL,$76D6 Write UDG_Brick to CHARS.
6035 LD ($5C36),HL
Create the left-hand wall.
6038 LD DE,$6087 DE=Message_Bricks_LR.
603B LD HL,$1800 HL=1800 (screen position).
603E LD B,$14 B=14 (counter).
6040 CALL PrintString_Wrapper Call PrintString_Wrapper.
Create the right-hand wall.
6043 LD HL,$18F8 HL=18F8 (screen position).
6046 LD B,$14 B=14 (counter).
6048 CALL PrintString_Wrapper Call PrintString_Wrapper.
Create left-hand cubby-holes.
604B LD DE,$6089 DE=Message_Bricks_Cubby.
604E LD HL,$1800 HL=1800 (screen position).
6051 CALL $601F Call 601F.
Create right-hand cubby-holes.
6054 LD HL,$18E8 HL=18E8 (screen position).
6057 CALL $601F Call 601F.
Create the floor.
605A LD HL,$B800 HL=B800 (screen position).
605D LD DE,$608D DE=Message_Floor.
6060 LD C,$10 C=10 (outer counter).
DrawPlayArea_FloorLoop 6062 LD B,$01 B=01 (inner counter).
6064 CALL PrintString_Wrapper Call PrintString_Wrapper.
6067 LD A,L
6068 ADD A,$10
606A LD L,A
606B LD A,H
606C SUB $08
606E LD H,A
606F DEC C Decrease C by one and loop back to DrawPlayArea_FloorLoop until it is zero.
6070 JR NZ,DrawPlayArea_FloorLoop
6072 POP HL Restore CHARS from the stack, and write it back to 5C36.
6073 LD ($5C36),HL
6076 RET Return.
Enables calling PrintString in a loop to reprint a UDG a given number of times using C.
PrintString_Wrapper 6077 PUSH HL Stash HL, DE and BC on the stack.
6078 PUSH DE
6079 PUSH BC
607A CALL PrintString Call PrintString.
607D POP BC Restore BC, DE and HL from the stack.
6080 LD A,H Move onto the next .
6081 ADD A,$08
6083 LD H,A
6084 DJNZ PrintString_Wrapper Decrease counter by one and loop back to PrintString_Wrapper until counter is zero.
6086 RET Return.
Screen Data.
Message_Bricks_LR 6087 DEFB $7A,$80 Brick attribute + 1 x brick UDG ID 00+80 (EOL).
Message_Bricks_Cubby 6089 DEFB $7A,$00,$00,$80 Brick attribute + 3 x brick UDG ID 00+80 (EOL).
Message_Floor 608D DEFB $32,$01,$82 Floor attribute + UDG ID 01 + UDG ID 02+80 (EOL).
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