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A234: Handler: Poems
Used by the routine at A207.
Display the poem copy.
HandlerPoems A234 CALL DisplayPoem Call DisplayPoem.
Play music.
A237 LD HL,$0000 HL=0000.
A23A LD DE,$BD33 DE=MusicData_Poem.
A23D CALL PlayAudio Call PlayAudio.
Pause so the player has a chance to read and listen.
A240 LD B,$08 B=08.
A242 CALL Pause Call Pause.
A245 CALL $AC28 Call AC28.
A248 CALL ClearPlayArea_Attributes Call ClearPlayArea_Attributes.
A24B CALL ClearPlayArea Call ClearPlayArea.
A251 CALL DrawEntity Call DrawEntity.
A254 RET Return.
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