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B1D4: Routine at B1D4
Used by the routine at GameInitialisation.
Initialise player 2.
B1D4 CALL $B21E Call B21E.
B1D7 CALL ChangePlayer Call ChangePlayer.
Initialise player 1.
B1DA CALL $B21E Call B21E.
Always start on player 1.
B1DD XOR A Write 00 to Flag_ActivePlayer.
B1DE LD ($969E),A
B1E1 CALL ClearPlayArea_Attributes Call ClearPlayArea_Attributes.
B1E4 CALL ClearPlayArea Call ClearPlayArea.
B1E7 LD A,($9692) A=GameOptions.
B1EA AND %00000001 Keep only bit 0.
B1EC JR NZ,$B1F1 Jump to B1F1 if this is a two player game.
B1EE LD ($96E0),A Write A to InactivePlayer_Lives.
This entry point is used by the routine at B205.
B1F1 CALL $B1B7 Call B1B7.
B1F4 LD IX,$9702 IX=ImmortalData.
B1F8 CALL VisitRoom Call VisitRoom.
B1FB CALL $A763 Call A763.
B1FE CALL $A33B Call A33B.
B204 RET Return.
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