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50667: Routine at C5EB
Used by the routine at Duel_Prep.
Dueller_Down 50667 LD A,(IX+0) Check if the current duellers state is zero (complete), return if so.
50670 AND A
50671 RET Z
50672 XOR A Mark the current dueller as complete.
50673 LD (IX+0),A
50676 POP AF Restore A and jump to whatever address is held by HL.
50677 JP (HL)
Not related?
50678 LD A,(IX+2)
50681 SRL A
50683 CP 9
50685 LD E,(IX+4)
50688 LD D,(IX+5)
50691 JR NC,Duel_Points
50693 OR 1
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