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29184: Initialise New Level
Used by the routine at InitialiseLevel.
InitialiseNewLevel 29184 LD HL,30752 HL=CurrentLevel.
29187 LD A,(HL) Jump to InitialiseLevelTodo if the current level is equal to 7. After level 7 the game just repeats this level.
29188 CP 7
29190 JR Z,InitialiseLevelTodo
Increments both CurrentLevel and A as we use this as an offset for pointing to the level data.
29192 INC (HL) Increment *HL by one.
29193 INC A Increment A by one.
InitialiseLevelTodo 29194 RRCA Rotate A right two positions (bits 2 to 5 are now in positions 0 to 3) using the carry flag.
29195 RRCA
29196 LD L,A L=A.
29197 AND %00000011 Keep only bits 0-1.
29199 ADD A,230 A+=230.
29201 LD H,A H=A.
29202 LD A,L A=L.
29203 AND %11000000 Keep only bits 6-7.
29205 LD L,A L=A.
29206 LD A,10 A=10 (counter).
29208 NOP No operation.
29209 LD DE,64064 DE=64064.
InitialiseNewLevel_0 29212 PUSH HL Stash HL on the stack.
29213 LD BC,64 BC=0064.
29216 LDIR Copy 0064 bytes of data from *HL to *DE.
29218 POP HL Restore HL from the stack.
29219 DEC A Decrease A by one.
29220 JR NZ,InitialiseNewLevel_0 Jump to InitialiseNewLevel_0 until A is zero.
29222 LD H,A H=A.
29223 LD B,8 B=8.
29225 LD L,B L=B.
29226 EX DE,HL Exchange the DE and HL registers.
InitialiseNewLevel_1 29227 LD (HL),H Write H to *HL.
29228 ADD HL,DE HL+=DE.
29229 DJNZ InitialiseNewLevel_1 Decrease counter by one and loop back to InitialiseNewLevel_1 until counter is zero.
29231 LD B,E B=E.
29232 LD H,250 H=250.
InitialiseNewLevel_2 29234 LD (HL),H Write H to *HL.
29235 ADD HL,DE HL+=DE.
29236 DJNZ InitialiseNewLevel_2 Decrease counter by one and loop back to InitialiseNewLevel_2 until counter is zero.
29238 LD B,E B=E.
29239 LD E,16 E=16.
InitialiseNewLevel_3 29241 LD (HL),H Write H to *HL.
29242 ADD HL,DE HL+=DE.
29243 DJNZ InitialiseNewLevel_3 Decrease counter by one and loop back to InitialiseNewLevel_3 until counter is zero.
29245 EXX Switch to the shadow registers.
29246 LD BC,64070 BC'=64070.
29249 EXX Switch back to the normal registers.
29250 LD DE,40736 DE=40736.
29253 LD B,10 B=10.
InitialiseNewLevel_4 29255 PUSH BC Stash BC on the stack.
29256 LD B,8 B=8.
InitialiseNewLevel_5 29258 CALL GetRandomNumber Call GetRandomNumber.
29261 AND %00011111 Keep only bits 0-4.
29263 CP 31 Jump to InitialiseNewLevel_5 if A is equal to 31.
29265 JR Z,InitialiseNewLevel_5
29267 CP 8 Jump to InitialiseNewLevel_5 if A is lower than 8.
29269 JR C,InitialiseNewLevel_5
29271 LD L,A L=A.
29272 CALL GetRandomNumber Call GetRandomNumber.
29275 AND %00000011 Keep only bits 0-1.
29277 LD H,A H=A.
29278 ADD HL,DE HL+=DE.
29279 LD A,(HL) A=*HL.
29280 DEC A Decrease A by one.
29281 JR Z,InitialiseNewLevel_6 Jump to InitialiseNewLevel_6 if A is zero.
29283 CP 49 Jump to InitialiseNewLevel_5 if A is higher than 49.
29285 JR NC,InitialiseNewLevel_5
29287 CP 45 Jump to InitialiseNewLevel_5 if A is lower than 45.
29289 JR C,InitialiseNewLevel_5
InitialiseNewLevel_6 29291 PUSH HL Stash HL on the stack.
29292 EXX Switch to the shadow registers.
29293 LD H,B H=B.
29294 LD L,C L=C.
29295 POP DE Restore DE from the stack.
InitialiseNewLevel_7 29296 LD A,(HL) A=*HL.
29297 AND A Jump to InitialiseNewLevel_9 if A is zero.
29298 JR Z,InitialiseNewLevel_9
29300 INC L Increment L by one.
29301 CP E Jump to InitialiseNewLevel_8 if A is not equal to E.
29302 JR NZ,InitialiseNewLevel_8
29304 LD A,(HL) A=*HL.
29305 CP D Compare A with D.
29306 EXX Switch to the shadow registers.
29307 JR Z,InitialiseNewLevel_5 Jump to InitialiseNewLevel_5 if {} is zero.
29309 EXX Switch to the shadow registers.
InitialiseNewLevel_8 29310 LD A,L L+=7.
29311 ADD A,7
29313 LD L,A
29314 JR InitialiseNewLevel_7 Jump to InitialiseNewLevel_7.
InitialiseNewLevel_9 29316 LD (HL),E Write E to *HL.
29317 INC L Increment L by one.
29318 LD (HL),D Write D to *HL.
29319 EXX Switch to the shadow registers.
29320 DJNZ InitialiseNewLevel_5 Decrease counter by one and loop back to InitialiseNewLevel_5 until counter is zero.
29322 EXX Switch to the shadow registers.
29323 LD HL,64 HL=0064.
29326 ADD HL,BC HL+=BC.
29327 LD B,H B=H.
29328 LD C,L C=L.
29329 EXX Switch to the shadow registers.
29330 LD A,E E+=32.
29331 ADD A,32
29333 LD E,A
29334 JR NZ,InitialiseNewLevel_10 Jump to InitialiseNewLevel_10 if E is not zero.
29336 LD A,D D+=5.
29337 ADD A,5
29339 LD D,A
InitialiseNewLevel_10 29340 POP BC Restore BC from the stack.
29341 DJNZ InitialiseNewLevel_4 Decrease counter by one and loop back to InitialiseNewLevel_4 until counter is zero.
29343 CALL PrintLevelName Call PrintLevelName.
29346 LD HL,12928 HL=12928.
29349 LD A,(30765) Jump to InitialiseNewLevel_InDemoMode if the game is in "demo mode" (the high-order byte of ControlMethod_Pointer contains 115).
29352 CP 115
29354 JR Z,InitialiseNewLevel_InDemoMode
29356 LD H,11 H=11.
InitialiseNewLevel_InDemoMode 29358 NOP No operation.
29359 NOP
29360 LD (30785),HL Write HL to *30785.
29363 XOR A Write 0 to *30784.
29364 LD (30784),A
29367 JP 29590 Jump to 29590.
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