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9635: Routine at 9635
Used by the routine at InitialiseGame.
9635 LD B,$80 B=80.
9637 LD DE,$4000 DE=4000.
963A LD HL,$F900 HL=F900.
963D LD (HL),E Write E to *HL.
963E INC L Increment L by one.
963F LD (HL),D Write D to *HL.
9640 INC L Increment L by one.
9641 EX DE,HL Exchange the DE and HL registers.
9642 CALL NextScreenBufferLine Call NextScreenBufferLine.
9645 CALL NextScreenBufferLine Call NextScreenBufferLine.
9648 EX DE,HL Exchange the DE and HL registers.
9649 DJNZ $963D Decrease counter by one and loop back to 963D until counter is zero.
964B RET Return.
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