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A15C: Messaging: You Win!
Used by the routine at 9D42.
Messaging_YouWin A15C CALL $A7F8 Call A7F8.
A15F CALL $CBC8 Call CBC8.
A162 CALL Animation_OpponentThrowing Call Animation_OpponentThrowing.
This entry point is used by the routine at 9D42.
Messaging_YouWin_0 A165 XOR A Write 00 to *9B0F.
A166 LD ($9B0F),A
A169 LD A,($9B06) Jump to A272 if *9B06 is zero.
A16D JP Z,$A272
A170 CALL $A7F8 Call A7F8.
A173 LD HL,$0F01 Set the co-ordinates in HL to 0F/ 01.
A176 LD BC,$0806 Set the block dimensions in BC to 08/ 06.
A179 LD A,$00 Call FillAttributeBlock. with INK: BLACK, PAPER: BLACK
A17B CALL FillAttributeBlock
A17E CALL PrintString_Loop Call PrintString_Loop.
A181 DEFB $16,$10,$01 PRINT AT: 10, 01.
A184 DEFM "GREAT " great
A18A DEFB $16,$11,$01 PRINT AT: 11, 01.
A18D DEFM "SHOT[ " shot
A193 DEFB $16,$12,$01 PRINT AT: 12, 01.
A196 DEFM " " "      ".
A19C DEFB $16,$13,$01 PRINT AT: 13, 01.
A19F DEFM " YOU " you
A1A5 DEFB $16,$14,$01 PRINT AT: 14, 01.
A1A8 DEFM " WIN[ " win
A1AE DEFB $FF Terminator.
A1AF LD A,$01 A=01.
A1B1 CALL $CB1E Call CB1E.
A1B4 LD A,($9AB7) Jump to Messaging_YouWin_3 if *9AB7 is zero.
A1B8 JR Z,Messaging_YouWin_3
A1BA CALL PrintString_Loop Call PrintString_Loop.
A1BD DEFB $16,$14,$05 PRINT AT: 14, 05.
A1C0 DEFM " " " ".
A1C1 DEFB $16,$15,$01 PRINT AT: 15, 01.
A1C4 DEFM "PLAYER" player
A1CA DEFB $FF Terminator.
A1CB LD A,($9AB8) Jump to Messaging_YouWin_1 if *ActivePlayer is zero.
A1CF JR Z,Messaging_YouWin_1
A1D1 CALL PrintString_Loop Call PrintString_Loop.
A1D4 DEFB $16,$16,$02 PRINT AT: 16, 02.
A1D7 DEFM "TWO[" two!
A1DB DEFB $FF Terminator.
A1DC JR Messaging_YouWin_2 Jump to Messaging_YouWin_2.
Messaging_YouWin_1 A1DE CALL PrintString_Loop Call PrintString_Loop.
A1E1 DEFB $16,$16,$02 PRINT AT: 16, 02.
A1E4 DEFM "ONE[" one!
A1E8 DEFB $FF Terminator.
Messaging_YouWin_2 A1E9 CALL LongPause Call LongPause.
A1EC CALL LongPause Call LongPause.
A1EF CALL LongPause Call LongPause.
A1F2 JP MainMenu Jump to MainMenu.
Messaging_YouWin_3 A1F5 CALL LongPause Call LongPause.
A1F8 LD A,($9AB4) A=*9AB4.
A1FB CP $04 Jump to Handler_Match if A is equal to 04.
A1FD JP Z,Handler_Match
A200 CP $02 Jump to Handler_SemiFinal if A is equal to 02.
A202 JP Z,Handler_SemiFinal
A205 CALL PrintString_Loop Call PrintString_Loop.
A208 DEFB $11,$00 PAPER: BLACK.
A20A DEFB $10,$07 INK: WHITE.
A20C DEFB $12,$01 FLASH: ON.
A20E DEFB $00
A20F DEFB $16,$08,$05 PRINT AT: 08, 05.
A212 DEFM "YOU BEAT JAMMY JIM" beat-jammy-jim
A224 DEFB $16,$09,$05 PRINT AT: 09, 05.
A227 DEFM "IN THE FINAL[[" in-the-final
A235 DEFB $16,$0B,$05 PRINT AT: 0B, 05.
A238 DEFM "YOU SHOULD TAKE THE" should-take-up
A24B DEFB $16,$0C,$05 PRINT AT: 0C, 05.
A24E DEFM "GAME UP PROFESIONALLY[[" professionally
A265 DEFB $FF Terminator.
A266 CALL LongPause Call LongPause.
A269 CALL LongPause Call LongPause.
A26C CALL LongPause Call LongPause.
A26F JP MainMenu Jump to MainMenu.
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