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41923: Messaging: Print Player Current Total
Used by the routine at DrawCurrentOpponent.
Messaging_PrintPlayerCurrentTotal 41923 CALL PrintString_Loop Call PrintString_Loop.
41926 DEFB 22,19,1 PRINT AT: 19, 1.
41929 DEFM "PLAYER" player
41935 DEFB 255 Terminator.
Who is currently playing?
41936 LD A,(39608) Jump to PrintPlayerTwo_CurrentTotal if *ActivePlayer is player two.
41939 AND A
41940 JR Z,PrintPlayerTwo_CurrentTotal
Handle 1UP:
41942 CALL PrintString_Loop Call PrintString_Loop.
41945 DEFB 22,20,3 PRINT AT: 20, 3.
41948 DEFM "ONE" one
41951 DEFB 255 Terminator.
41952 LD HL,(39602) HL=*1UP_Total.
41955 LD DE,44278 DE=Current_Total.
41958 CALL 44784 Call 44784.
41961 LD HL,44278 HL=Current_Total.
41964 CALL PrintCurrentTotal Call PrintCurrentTotal.
41967 CALL FlashCurrentTotal Call FlashCurrentTotal.
41970 RET Return.
Handle 2UP:
PrintPlayerTwo_CurrentTotal 41971 CALL PrintString_Loop Call PrintString_Loop.
41974 DEFB 22,20,3 PRINT AT: 20, 3.
41977 DEFM "TWO" two
41980 DEFB 255 Terminator.
41981 LD HL,(39600) HL=*2UP_Total.
41984 LD DE,44278 DE=Current_Total.
41987 CALL 44784 Call 44784.
41990 LD HL,44278 HL=Current_Total.
41993 CALL PrintCurrentTotal Call PrintCurrentTotal.
41996 CALL FlashCurrentTotal Call FlashCurrentTotal.
41999 RET Return.
Convert the total to a printable string, and display it.
PrintCurrentTotal 42000 LD B,3 Set a counter in B for the 3 digits of a total value.
PrintCurrentTotal_Loop 42002 LD A,(HL) A=*HL.
42003 CP 32 Jump to PrintCurrentTotal_Next if A is an ASCII "space" (32).
42005 JR Z,PrintCurrentTotal_Next
42007 ADD A,48 Add 48 (ASCII "0") to A to "convert" it to ASCII.
42009 LD (HL),A Write A to *HL.
PrintCurrentTotal_Next 42010 INC HL Increment HL by one.
42011 DJNZ PrintCurrentTotal_Loop Decrease counter by one and loop back to PrintCurrentTotal_Loop until counter is zero.
42013 RET Return.
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