Prev: 44114 Up: Map Next: 44217
44189: Flash Current Total
FlashCurrentTotal 44189 LD HL,44278 Copy 0003 bytes of data from *Current_Total to *Messaging_FlashCurrentTotal.
44192 LD DE,44212
44195 LD BC,3
44198 LDIR
44200 CALL PrintString_Loop Call PrintString_Loop.
44203 DEFB 22,22,3 PRINT AT: 22, 3.
44206 DEFB 16,6 INK: YELLOW.
44208 DEFB 18,1 FLASH: ON.
44210 DEFB 17,0 PAPER: BLACK.
Messaging_FlashCurrentTotal 44212 DEFM " " "   ".
44215 DEFB 255 Terminator.
44216 RET Return.
Prev: 44114 Up: Map Next: 44217