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D778: Handler: Sea Creatures
Used by the routine at GoldfishGame.
The sea is always the paper colour.
Handler_SeaCreatures D778 LD A,$11 Set PAPER: BLUE (01).
D77A RST $10
D77B LD A,$01
D77D RST $10
D77E LD IX,$DB46 IX=Data_SeaCreatures.
Handler_SeaCreatures_Loop D782 PUSH BC Stash BC on the stack.
Should we deal with an existing creature or generate a new one?
D783 LD A,(IX+$0A) If *IX+0A is equal to 00 this is a "free-slot" so jump to Handler_SeaCreatures_Chooser.
D786 CP $00
D788 JP Z,Handler_SeaCreatures_Chooser
The sea creature for this slot is already set, so update it.
D78B LD L,(IX+$10) Fetch the UDG graphics pointer for this sea creature and store it in HL.
D78E LD H,(IX+$11)
D791 LD ($5C36),HL Write the UDG graphics pointer to *CHARS.
D794 LD A,$10 Set the INK value for this sea creature using *IX+09.
D796 RST $10
D797 LD A,(IX+$09)
D79A RST $10
D79B LD A,(IX+$06) Get the current sprite/ frame ID from *IX+06.
The sprite increment number is held by *IX+12, it varies between creatures as obviously they are different sizes.
D79E ADD A,(IX+$12) Add on the sprite increment number.
D7A1 CP (IX+$13) Jump to Handler_SeaCreatures_SetFrameId if A is not yet equal to the maximum value held by *IX+13.
D7A4 JR NZ,Handler_SeaCreatures_SetFrameId
D7A6 LD A,$20 Reset the sprite/ frame ID back to 20 which is always the first frame.
Handler_SeaCreatures_SetFrameId D7A8 LD (IX+$06),A Update the current sprite/ frame ID back to *IX+06.
D7AB CALL Handler_SeaCreatureMovement Call Handler_SeaCreatureMovement.
D7AE LD (IX+$00),C Write the updated co-ordinates to *IX+00/ *IX+01.
D7B1 LD (IX+$01),B
D7B4 LD (IX+$02),E Write the updated block position offsets to *IX+02/ *IX+03.
D7B7 LD (IX+$03),D
D7BA CALL Handler_SeaCreatureAnimation Call Handler_SeaCreatureAnimation.
D7BD LD A,C Jump to SeaCreature_FreeSlot if the current creature is now off-screen.
D7BE CP $01
D7C0 JP Z,SeaCreature_FreeSlot
D7C3 CALL $D647 Call D647.
D7C6 LD A,(IX+$00) Stash the current co-ordinates at *IX+0D/ *IX+0E.
D7C9 LD (IX+$0D),A
D7CC LD A,(IX+$01)
D7CF LD (IX+$0E),A
D7D2 LD A,(IX+$02) Stash the current block position offsets at *IX+0B/ *IX+0F.
D7D5 LD (IX+$0B),A
D7D8 LD A,(IX+$03)
D7DB LD (IX+$0F),A
This entry point is used by the routines at SeaCreature_FreeSlot and Handler_SeaCreatures_Chooser.
Handler_SeaCreatures_Next D7DE LD DE,$0018 IX+=0018.
D7E3 POP BC Restore BC from the stack.
D7E4 DJNZ Handler_SeaCreatures_Loop Decrease counter by one and loop back to Handler_SeaCreatures_Loop until counter is zero.
D7E6 RET Return.
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