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EE08: Handler: Ladders Ascending
Used by the routines at PlayerControls_Kempston and PlayerControls.
IX On entry will be set to TablePlayerAttributes
Handler_LaddersAscending EE08 LD A,(IX+$11) Jump to Handler_LaddersDescending_1 if *IX+11 is equal to 03.
EE0B CP $03
EE0D JR Z,Handler_LaddersDescending_1
EE0F LD C,(IX+$00) C=*IX+00.
EE12 LD B,(IX+$01) B=*IX+01.
EE15 LD HL,($5BD8) HL=*ReferenceLadders.
Handler_LaddersAscending_Loop EE18 LD A,(HL) Return if *HL is equal to FF.
EE1C INC HL Increment HL by one.
EE1D CP C Jump to Action_LadderAscend if A is equal to C.
EE1E JR Z,Action_LadderAscend
EE20 INC HL Increment HL by one.
EE21 JR Handler_LaddersAscending_Loop Jump to Handler_LaddersAscending_Loop.
Action_LadderAscend EE23 LD A,(HL) A=*HL.
EE24 INC HL Increment HL by one.
EE25 DEC A Decrease A by two.
EE27 CP B Jump to Handler_LaddersAscending_Loop if A is not equal to B.
EE28 JR NZ,Handler_LaddersAscending_Loop
EE2A LD (IX+$13),A Write A to *IX+13.
EE2D ADD A,$05 A+=05.
EE2F LD (IX+$12),A Write A to *IX+12.
EE32 INC HL Increment HL by one.
EE33 LD A,(IX+$11) Jump to AnimateAscending if *IX+11 is equal to 03.
EE36 CP $03
EE38 JR Z,AnimateAscending
Write the frame after the player sprite we actually want (92) to be the active frame. This is because the first thing to occur is to subtract 06 from it, so it'll then be correct.
EE3A LD (IX+$06),$98 Write 98 to *IX+06 (*PlayerSpriteID).
EE3E LD (IX+$11),$03 Write 03 to *IX+11.
This entry point is used by the routine at Handler_LaddersDescending.
AnimateAscending EE42 LD A,(IX+$06) Decrease *IX+06 (*PlayerSpriteID) by 06.
EE45 SUB $06
EE47 LD (IX+$06),A
EE4A CP $7A Jump to SkipResetAscendingFrame if the frame is within the boundaries of the frames available for this animation (frame ID 7A is the first frame of the next animation).
EE4C JR NZ,SkipResetAscendingFrame
Reset the climbing-up player sprite to the first frame in the animation.
EE4E LD (IX+$06),$92 Write 92 to *IX+06 (*PlayerSpriteID).
SkipResetAscendingFrame EE52 LD (IX+$05),$01 Write 01 to *IX+05 (*F236).
EE56 LD (IX+$02),$03 Write 03 to *IX+02 (*F233).
EE5A RET Return.
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