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83A0: Display Locate Help Message
DisplayLocHlpMsg 83A0 LD A,($B6EA)
83A3 AND A
83A4 JP NZ,$75B4
83A7 PUSH HL Store HL and IX on the stack for later.
Default message response should there be no match for the current location.
83AA LD HL,$B467 HL="you're doing fine[0x15]"
Use the current location ID to look-up if there is a specific help message.
83AD LD A,($C12B) Using the current location number, see if there is a help message available for display. This is achieved by passing LocHlpMsg to the Index ID Table routine.
83B0 LD IX,$83CD
83B4 CALL IndexIdTable
83B7 JR Z,DisplayLocHlpMsg_Print If there is no message, jump directly to DisplayLocHlpMsg_Print to display the default message.
Point to the specific help for the current location.
83B9 LD L,(IX+$01) HL=The address of the help message
83BC LD H,(IX+$02)
Print the message.
DisplayLocHlpMsg_Print 83BF LD A,$01 Write $01 to WaitCoutdown.
83C1 LD ($B701),A
83C4 CALL PrintMsg Call PrintMsg.
83C7 POP IX Restore IX and HL from the stack.
83CA JP $82B3 Jump to 82B3.
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