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E179: Controls
A Byte representing the intended action
First off, check if the active monster is computer controlled.
Controls E179 LD A,($D252) Jump to PlayerControlled if *Active_MonsterControlType is not set to "computer controlled".
E17D JR NZ,PlayerControlled
Handles the monster being computer controlled.
ComputerControlled E17F CALL RandomNumber Write a random number between 00-1F (00000000-00011111 e.g. Up/ Down/ Left/ Right/ Action) to *Active_MonsterControl.
E182 AND %00011111
E184 LD ($D217),A
Check if the currently active monster is jumping.
E187 LD A,($D248) A=*Flag_MonsterJumping.
E18A RRCA Rotate A right one position, setting the carry flag if bit 0 was set.
E18B JR NC,Controls_IsMonsterClimbing Jump to Controls_IsMonsterClimbing if the monster isn't currently jumping.
The active monster is jumping...
E18D LD A,$08 Write 00001000 to *Active_MonsterControl.
E18F LD ($D217),A
E192 RET Return.
Check if the currently active monster is climbing.
Controls_IsMonsterClimbing E193 LD A,($D246) A=*Flag_MonsterClimbing.
E196 RRCA Rotate A right one position, setting the carry flag if bit 0 was set.
E197 JR NC,Controls_CheckBoundaries Jump to Controls_CheckBoundaries if the monster isn't currently climbing.
The active monster is climbing...
E199 LD A,($D217) Jump to ComputerControlled if *Active_MonsterControl is equal to 10 (00010000 e.g. "jumping/ punching").
E19C CP $10
E19E JR Z,ComputerControlled
E1A0 RET Return.
Checks the screen boundaries to ensure the monster can't go off-screen.
Controls_CheckBoundaries E1A1 LD A,($D24E) A=*Active_MonsterYPosition.
E1A4 CP $11 Compare A with 11...
E1A6 LD A,($D217) A=*Active_MonsterControl.
E1A9 RET C Return if A was is lower than 11 on line E1A4.
E1AA CP $10 Jump to ComputerControlled if A is equal to 10.
E1AC JR Z,ComputerControlled
E1AE LD A,($D24D) A=*Active_MonsterXPosition.
E1B1 CP $FA Jump to ComputerUnset_Left if A is higher than FA.
E1B3 JR NC,ComputerUnset_Left
E1B5 CP $03 Jump to ComputerUnset_Left if A is lower than 03.
E1B7 JR C,ComputerUnset_Left
E1B9 CP $1B Compare A with 1B...
E1BB LD A,($D217) A=*Active_MonsterControl.
E1BE RET C Return if A was lower 1B on line E1B9.
Unsets the computer controlled monster "right" option.
E1BF RES 1,A Reset bit 1 of A.
E1C1 JR ComputerUnset_JumpPunch Jump to ComputerUnset_JumpPunch.
Unsets the computer controlled monster "left" option.
ComputerUnset_Left E1C3 LD A,($D217) A=*Active_MonsterControl.
E1C6 RES 0,A Reset bit 0 of A.
Unsets the computer controlled monster "jump/punch" option.
ComputerUnset_JumpPunch E1C8 RES 4,A Reset bit 4 of A.
E1CA LD ($D217),A Write A to *Active_MonsterControl.
E1CD RET Return.
The active monster is player controlled so using Active_MonsterControlType fetch the controller routine.
PlayerControlled E1CE ADD A,A Create an offset in HL using A*02.
E1CF LD H,$00
E1D2 LD DE,$E24F HL+=JumpTable_Controls.
Load the controls address into HL and jump to it.
E1D6 LD A,(HL) Load the low byte of the controls address from the jump table.
E1D7 INC HL Increment the controls jump table pointer by one.
E1D8 LD H,(HL) Set the high byte of the controls address from the jump table.
E1D9 LD L,A Set low byte of the controls address from A.
E1DA JP (HL) Jump to the address held by *HL.
Given the "not zero" check at Controls the 00 option (E24F) should never be chosen to end up here.
Controls_ComputerControlled E1DB XOR A A=00.
E1DC JP Controls_Return Jump to Controls_Return.
Read the controls from the Sinclair Interface 2 joystick (port 2).
Controls_ReadSinclair2_P2 E1DF LD A,$F7 Read from the keyboard;
Port Number Bit
0 1 2 3 4
F7 1 2 3 4 5
E1E1 IN A,($FE)
E1E3 XOR %10111111 Flip bits 0-5 and 7.
E1E5 AND %00011111 Keep only bits 0-4.
E1E7 JP Controls_Return Jump to Controls_Return.
Read the controls from the Sinclair Interface 2 joystick (port 1).
Controls_ReadSinclair2_P1 E1EA LD A,$EF Read from the keyboard;
Port Number Bit
0 1 2 3 4
EF 0 9 8 7 6
Converts the input into a table address beginning at PortMappings.
E1EE LD B,$C6 Create an offset using BC - where B=C6 and C=A.
E1F1 LD A,(BC) A=*BC.
E1F2 RRCA Rotate A right three positions (bits 3 to 7 are now in positions 0 to 4).
E1F5 XOR %10111111 Flip bits 0-5 and 7.
E1F7 AND %00011111 Keep only bits 0-4.
E1F9 JP Controls_Return Jump to Controls_Return.
Read the controls from the Kempston joystick port.
Controls_ReadKempston E1FC IN A,($1F) Read Kempston Joystick input.
E1FE AND %00011111 Keep only bits 0-4.
E200 JP Z,Controls_Return Jump to Controls_Return if the result is zero.
E203 LD B,A B=A.
E204 AND %00000011 Keep only bits 0-1.
E206 LD A,B A=B.
E207 JP Z,Controls_0 Jump to Controls_0 if A is zero.
E20A XOR %00000011 Flip bits 0-1.
Controls_0 E20C OR A Set the bits from A.
E20D JP Controls_Return Jump to Controls_Return.
Use user-defined keys set 1.
Controls_Set1 E210 LD HL,$C850 HL=UserDefinedKeys_Set1.
E213 JR Controller_ReadKeyboard Jump to Controller_ReadKeyboard.
Use user-defined keys set 2.
Controls_Set2 E215 LD HL,$C85A HL=UserDefinedKeys_Set2.
E218 JR Controller_ReadKeyboard Jump to Controller_ReadKeyboard.
Use user-defined keys set 3.
Controls_Set3 E21A LD HL,$C864 HL=UserDefinedKeys_Set3.
Read the keyboard set in HL.
Controller_ReadKeyboard E21D LD C,$00 C=00.
Has "left" been pressed?
E21F CALL Controls_ReadKeyboard Call Controls_ReadKeyboard.
E222 JR NZ,Controls_ReadKeyboardRight Jump to Controls_ReadKeyboardRight if "left" is not being pressed.
E224 SET 0,C Set bit 0 of C if "left" is being pressed.
Has "right" been pressed?
Controls_ReadKeyboardRight E226 CALL Controls_ReadKeyboard Call Controls_ReadKeyboard.
E229 JR NZ,Controls_ReadKeyboardUp Jump to Controls_ReadKeyboardUp if "right" is not being pressed.
E22B SET 1,C Set bit 1 of C if "right" is being pressed.
Has "up" been pressed?
Controls_ReadKeyboardUp E22D CALL Controls_ReadKeyboard Call Controls_ReadKeyboard.
E230 JR NZ,Controls_ReadKeyboardDown Jump to Controls_ReadKeyboardDown if "up" is not being pressed.
E232 SET 3,C Set bit 3 of C if "up" is being pressed.
Has "down" been pressed?
Controls_ReadKeyboardDown E234 CALL Controls_ReadKeyboard Call Controls_ReadKeyboard.
E237 JR NZ,Controls_ReadKeyboardJumpPunch Jump to Controls_ReadKeyboardJumpPunch if "down" is not being pressed.
E239 SET 2,C Set bit 2 of C if "down" is being pressed.
Has "jump/punch" been pressed?
Controls_ReadKeyboardJumpPunch E23B CALL Controls_ReadKeyboard Call Controls_ReadKeyboard.
E23E JR NZ,Controls_ReadKeyboardSet Jump to Controls_ReadKeyboardSet if "jump/punch" is not being pressed.
E240 SET 4,C Set bit 4 of C if "jump/punch" is being pressed.
Controls_ReadKeyboardSet E242 LD A,C A=C.
Set the "zero" flag if no controls are being pressed.
Controls_Return E243 AND A Set flags.
E244 LD ($D217),A Write A to *Active_MonsterControl.
E247 RET Return.
Using the keyboard set in HL, read the control from the keyboard.
Controls_ReadKeyboard E248 LD A,(HL) A=*HL.
E249 IN A,($FE) Read from the entire keyboard.
E24B INC HL Increment HL by one.
E24C AND (HL) Merge the bits from *HL.
E24D INC HL Increment HL by one.
E24E RET Return.
The monster control type jump table. See Active_MonsterControlType.
JumpTable_Controls E24F DEFW Controls_ComputerControlled Control type ID: 00.
E251 DEFW Controls_ReadSinclair2_P2 Control type ID: 01.
E253 DEFW Controls_ReadSinclair2_P1 Control type ID: 02.
E255 DEFW Controls_ReadKempston Control type ID: 03.
E257 DEFW Controls_Set1 Control type ID: 04.
E259 DEFW Controls_Set2 Control type ID: 05.
E25B DEFW Controls_Set3 Control type ID: 06.
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