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EF50: Controller: Jump/ Punch
Controller_JumpPunch EF50 CALL Controls Jump to Controller_JumpPunch_Action if "jump/punch" has been pressed.
EF53 AND %00010000
EF55 JR NZ,Controller_JumpPunch_Action
EF57 XOR A Write 00 to *JumpTable_Pointer.
EF58 LD ($D244),A
EF5B JP Action_JumpTable Jump to Action_JumpTable.
Action the "jump/punch" animation.
Controller_JumpPunch_Action EF5E LD A,($D244) A=*JumpTable_Pointer.
EF61 SUB $0F A-=0F.
EF63 LD H,$00 Create an offset in HL using A.
EF66 ADD HL,HL HL*=02.
EF67 LD DE,$EF70 HL+=JumpTable_JumpPunch.
EF6B LD A,(HL) Load the low byte of the jump controller address from the "jump/punch" jump table.
EF6C INC HL Increment the "jump/punch" jump table pointer by one.
EF6D LD H,(HL) Set the high byte of the jump controller address from the "jump/punch" jump table.
EF6E LD L,A Set low byte of the jump controller address from A.
EF6F JP (HL) Jump to the address held by *HL.
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