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EA18: Action: Falling
This isn't the entire falling animation rather the "comedy" part - where the monster realises they are about to fall, and cartoon-ishly they hover in the air for a few frames before falling.
Action_Falling EA18 LD A,($D24A) Decrease *Active_MonsterAboutToFallCountdown by one.
EA1C LD ($D24A),A
EA1F JR Z,Action_Falling_Finished Jump to Action_Falling_Finished if *Active_MonsterAboutToFallCountdown is zero.
The animation is in-progress so select the "Oh No" head sprite.
The routine at DrawMonsterSprite handles which monster to display.
EA21 LD A,$19 A=sprite ID 19.
George Lizzy Ralph
ID Sprite ID Sprite ID Sprite
19 sprite-25-left 59 sprite-89-left 99 sprite-153-left
Set the co-ordinates for where to draw.
EA23 LD BC,($D24D) BC=*Active_MonsterXPosition/Active_MonsterYPosition.
EA27 CALL DrawMonsterSprite Call DrawMonsterSprite.
Again, set the co-ordinates for where to draw.
EA2A LD BC,($D24D) BC=*Active_MonsterXPosition/Active_MonsterYPosition.
EA2E INC B Increment the Y position by two to draw the lower section of the monsters body.
The routine at DrawMonsterSprite handles which monster to display.
EA30 LD A,$23 A=sprite ID 23.
George Lizzy Ralph
ID Sprite ID Sprite ID Sprite
23 sprite-35-left 63 sprite-99-left A3 sprite-163-left
EA32 CALL DrawMonsterSprite Call DrawMonsterSprite.
EA35 RET Return.
The hovering-in-the-air animation is done so progress to the next state.
Action_Falling_Finished EA36 LD A,$03 Write 03 to *Active_MonsterAboutToFallCountdown.
EA38 LD ($D24A),A
EA3B LD A,$08 Write 08 to *JumpTable_Pointer.
EA3D LD ($D244),A
EA40 JP Action_JumpTable Jump to Action_JumpTable.
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