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9634: Routine at 9634
Used by the routine at 9270.
9634 LD A,($7207) Return if *7207 is not equal to 01.
9637 CP $01
9639 RET NZ
963A LD HL,$99A4 HL=99A4.
963D LD IX,$7200 IX=7200.
9641 DEC (HL) Decrease *HL by one.
9642 JR NZ,$9679 Jump to 9679 if *HL is not zero.
9644 LD (HL),$05 Write 05 to *HL.
9646 LD A,($99A3) A=*99A3.
9649 CP $00 Jump to 965B if A is equal to 00.
964B JR Z,$965B
964D DEC A Decrease A by one.
964E LD ($99A3),A Write A to *99A3.
9651 JR NZ,$965B Jump to 965B if A is not zero.
9653 LD C,$40 C=40.
9655 LD HL,$50C0 HL=50C0 (screen buffer location).
9658 CALL ClearScreenArea Call ClearScreenArea.
965B LD HL,$99D9 HL=99D9.
965E LD A,($99AB) A=*99AB.
9661 SRL A Shift A right four positions.
9663 SRL A
9665 SRL A
9667 SRL A
9669 INC A Increment A by one.
966A LD (HL),A Write A to *HL.
966B LD DE,$EFF7 DE=ActivePlayerCash_01.
966E LD B,$02 B=02.
9670 CALL SpendMoney Call SpendMoney.
9673 JR C,$96EB Jump to 96EB if A is lower.
9675 SET 1,(IX+$00) Set bit 1 of *IX+00.
9679 BIT 0,(IX+$00) Test bit 0 of *IX+00.
967D JR Z,$96B1 Jump to 96B1 if A is zero.
967F LD DE,$EFF7 DE=ActivePlayerCash_01.
9682 LD HL,$99DB HL=99DB.
9685 LD B,$02 B=02.
9687 CALL AddMoney Call AddMoney.
968A LD DE,$EFF4 DE=ActivePlayerScore.
968D LD HL,$99DD HL=99DD.
9690 LD B,$03 B=03.
9692 CALL AddMoney Call AddMoney.
9695 LD DE,$4021 DE=4021 (screen buffer location).
9698 LD BC,$0203 BC=0203.
969E CALL PrintNumbers Call PrintNumbers.
96A1 LD HL,$99AD HL=99AD.
96A4 DEC (HL) Decrease *HL by one.
96A5 JR NZ,$96B1 Jump to 96B1 if *HL is not zero.
96A7 LD HL,$EFFA HL=GameState_1.
96AA SET 0,(HL) Set bit 0 of *HL.
96AC LD SP,($99AE) SP=*99AE.
96B0 RET Return.
96B1 BIT 4,(IX+$00) Test bit 4 of *IX+00.
96B5 JR NZ,$96BF Jump to 96BF if *HL is not zero.
96B7 BIT 1,(IX+$00) Test bit 1 of *IX+00.
96BB JR Z,$96E6 Jump to 96E6 if *HL is zero.
96BD JR $96DA Jump to 96DA.
96BF LD DE,$EFF7 DE=ActivePlayerCash_01.
96C2 LD HL,$99E0 HL=99E0.
96C5 LD B,$02 B=02.
96C7 CALL SpendMoney Call SpendMoney.
96CA JR C,$96EB Jump to 96EB if *HL is lower.
96CC LD HL,$99A3 HL=99A3.
96CF LD (HL),$05 Write 05 to *HL.
96D1 LD HL,($99D7) HL=*99D7.
96D4 LD DE,$50C0 DE=50C0 (screen buffer location).
96D7 CALL $9754 Call 9754.
96DA LD DE,$403B DE=403B (screen buffer location).
96DD LD BC,$0202 BC=0202.
96E0 LD HL,$EFF8 HL=ActivePlayerCash_02.
96E3 CALL PrintNumbers Call PrintNumbers.
96E6 LD (IX+$00),$00 Write 00 to *IX+00.
96EA RET Return.
96EB LD HL,$0000 Write 0000 to *ActivePlayerCash_01.
96EE LD ($EFF7),HL
96F1 CALL $96DA Call 96DA.
96F4 LD HL,$EFFA HL=GameState_1.
96F7 SET 4,(HL) Set bit 4 of *HL.
96F9 LD SP,($99AE) SP=*99AE.
96FD RET Return.
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