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C661: Draw Duel Bandit
Used by the routine at Duel_Prep.
Duel_Draw_Bandit_Prep C661 CALL Character_Address_Alias Fetch the address of the character from the given index in A.
C665 LD A,(IX+$03) Retrieve the character position.
C668 LD HL,$4804 If this character is in position "1" then point to the screen buffer at 4804 and jump to Duel_Draw_Bandit.
C66C JR Z,Duel_Draw_Bandit
C66E LD HL,$480C If this character is in position "2" then point to the screen buffer at 480C and jump to Duel_Draw_Bandit.
C671 DEC A
C672 JR Z,Duel_Draw_Bandit
C674 LD HL,$4814 Else this character is in position "3" so point to the screen buffer at 4814.
Duel_Draw_Bandit C677 LD B,$58 Call the draw routine with the image dimensions.
C679 LD C,$06
C67B CALL Draw_Character
C67E RET Return.
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