Prev: 63744 Up: Map Next: 64000
63824: Dollar Sign (scrolling)
Dollar_Scroll 63824 NOP
63825 NOP
63826 NOP
63827 NOP
63828 NOP
63829 NOP
63830 NOP
63831 NOP
63832 NOP
63833 NOP
63834 NOP
63835 NOP
63836 NOP
63837 NOP
63838 NOP
63839 NOP
This entry point is used by the routine at 51943.
Dollar_Scroll_0 63840 LD HL,23296 Blanks 254 bytes from BufferGeneral onwards.
63843 LD DE,23297
63846 LD BC,254
63849 LD (HL),0
63851 LDIR
63853 LD DE,63808 Sends 63808 to Dollar_Scroll_Draw.
63856 NOP
63857 NOP
63858 CALL Dollar_Scroll_Draw
63861 LD DE,6 Makes a noise using the BEEP routine.
Pitch Duration
$0CF8 $0006
63864 LD HL,3320
63867 CALL 949
63870 LD DE,63744 Sends Dollar_Image to Dollar_Scroll_Draw.
63873 NOP
63874 NOP
63875 CALL Dollar_Scroll_Draw
63878 LD DE,6 Makes a noise using the BEEP routine.
Pitch Duration
$079E $0006
63881 LD HL,1950
63884 CALL 949
63887 LD DE,63776 Sends 63776 to Dollar_Scroll_Draw.
63890 NOP
63891 NOP
63892 CALL Dollar_Scroll_Draw
63895 LD DE,6 Makes a noise using the BEEP routine.
Pitch Duration
$029E $0006
63898 LD HL,670
63901 CALL 949
63904 LD DE,63744 Sends Dollar_Image to Dollar_Scroll_Draw.
63907 NOP
63908 NOP
63909 CALL Dollar_Scroll_Draw
63912 LD DE,32 Makes a noise using the BEEP routine.
Pitch Duration
$0209 $0020
63915 LD HL,521
63918 CALL 949
63921 LD DE,63776 Sends 63776 to Dollar_Scroll_Draw.
63924 NOP
63925 NOP
63926 CALL Dollar_Scroll_Draw
63929 HALT
63930 LD DE,23296 Sends BufferGeneral to Dollar_Scroll_Draw (blanks the centrepiece).
63933 NOP
63934 NOP
63935 CALL Dollar_Scroll_Draw
63938 RET Return.
Draws the image to the screen.
Dollar_Scroll_Draw 63939 LD HL,16431
63942 LD BC,4098
Dollar_Scroll_Draw_Loop 63945 PUSH BC
63946 PUSH HL
63947 LD B,0
63949 EX DE,HL
63950 LDIR
63952 EX DE,HL
63953 POP HL
63954 INC H
63955 LD A,H
63956 AND 7
63958 JR NZ,Dollar_Scroll_1
63960 LD H,64
63962 LD A,L
63963 ADD A,32
63965 LD L,A
Dollar_Scroll_1 63966 POP BC
63967 DJNZ Dollar_Scroll_Draw_Loop
63969 LD B,1
Dollar_Scroll_Halt_Loop 63971 HALT
63972 DJNZ Dollar_Scroll_Halt_Loop
63974 RET Return.
63975 JP 60048
63978 NOP
63979 NOP
63980 NOP
63981 NOP
63982 NOP
63983 NOP
63984 NOP
63985 NOP
63986 NOP
63987 NOP
63988 NOP
63989 NOP
63990 NOP
63991 NOP
63992 NOP
63993 NOP
63994 NOP
63995 NOP
63996 NOP
63997 NOP
63998 NOP
63999 NOP
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