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6F7D: Handler: Hit Hump
Handler_HitHump 6F7D LD A,($7834) A=*Wheelie.
Direction Wheelie Range Byte Bits
Left Normal (no wheelie) 48 01001000
Mid-Low 49 01001001
Mid-High 4A 01001010
Max (full wheelie) 4B 01001011
Right Normal (no wheelie) 08 00001000
Mid-Low 09 00001001
Mid-High 0A 00001010
Max (full wheelie) 0B 00001011
6F80 AND %00000111 Keep only bits 0-2.
6F82 RET NZ Return if the result is not zero.
6F83 LD A,$05 Write 05 to *Action.
6F85 LD ($782A),A
6F88 LD A,($7834) A=*Wheelie.
6F8B AND %01000000 Keep only the direction bit (bit 6).
6F90 JR Z,HitHumpMovingRight Jump to HitHumpMovingRight if the player is moving right.
6F92 LD L,$21 L=21.
HitHumpMovingRight 6F94 LD ($783A),HL Write HL to *783A.
6F97 RET Return.
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