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28514: Routine at 6F62
Used by the routine at 27070.
28514 LD (30766),HL Write HL to *LevelProgressPointer.
28517 LD C,A C=A.
28518 LD A,(HL) A=*HL.
28519 DEC A Decrease A by one.
28520 JR Z,28530 Jump to 28530 if A is zero.
28522 CP 41 Jump to 28539 if A is lower than 41.
28524 JR C,28539
28526 CP 49 Jump to 28539 if A is higher than 49.
28528 JR NC,28539
28530 LD (30774),HL Write HL to *30774.
28533 LD A,(30754) Write *Speed to *30776.
28536 LD (30776),A
28539 LD A,C A=C.
28540 RET Return.
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