Prev: 30267 Up: Map Next: 30419
30268: Routine at 763C
Used by the routine at 27648.
30268 CALL 29728 Call 29728.
30271 LD HL,(30780) HL=*Fuel.
30274 LD A,H Jump to 30362 if H is lower than 128.
30275 CP 128
30277 JR C,30362
30279 LD HL,(30766) HL=*LevelProgressPointer.
30282 LD A,(HL) A=*HL.
30283 DEC A Decrease A by one.
30284 JR Z,30300 Jump to 30300 if A is zero.
30286 CP 49 Call 60403 if A is higher than 49.
30288 CALL NC,60403
30291 CP 45 Call 60403 if A is lower than 45.
30293 CALL C,60403
30296 NOP No operation.
30297 NOP
30298 NOP
30299 NOP
30300 CALL RemoveSprite Call RemoveSprite.
30303 LD A,(30754) A=*Speed.
30306 BIT 7,A Test bit 7 of A.
30308 LD A,135 A=135.
30310 JR NZ,30314 Jump to 30314 if {} is not zero.
30312 ADD A,64 A+=64.
30314 LD (30772),A Write A to *Wheelie.
30317 CALL 27437 Call 27437.
Print the "OUT OF FUEL" messaging in the footer.
30320 LD A,169 A=169 (INK: BLUE, PAPER: CYAN FLASH: ON).
30322 LD HL,47750 HL=Messaging_OutOfFuel.
30325 CALL PrintFooterColourString Call PrintFooterColourString.
30328 LD D,16 D=16.
30330 LD C,1 C=1.
30332 LD HL,7680 HL=7680.
30335 LD A,C A=C.
30336 LD B,C B=C.
30337 OUT (254),A OUT 254
30339 XOR %00010000 Flip bits 4.
30341 DJNZ 30341 Decrease counter by one and loop back to 30341 until counter is zero.
30343 DEC L Decrease L by one.
30344 JR NZ,30336 Jump to 30336 if L is not zero.
30346 DEC H Decrease H by one.
30347 JR NZ,30336 Jump to 30336 if H is not zero.
30349 INC C Increment C by one.
30350 DEC D Decrease D by one.
30351 JR NZ,30332 Jump to 30332 if D is not zero.
30353 LD HL,13312 Write 13312 to *Fuel.
30356 LD (30780),HL
30359 JP 29025 Jump to 29025.
30362 LD A,(30754) A=*Speed.
30365 BIT 7,A Test bit 7 of A.
30367 JR NZ,30370 Jump to 30370 if {} is not zero.
30369 CPL Invert the bits in A.
30370 SUB 126 A-=126.
30372 SRL A Shift A right.
30374 LD E,A E=A.
30375 LD D,0 D=0.
30377 AND A Set flags.
30378 SBC HL,DE HL-=DE (with carry).
30380 LD (30780),HL Write HL to *Fuel.
30383 JR C,30416 Jump to 30416 if {} is lower.
30385 LD A,H A=H.
30386 SRL A Shift A right.
30388 SRL A Shift A right.
30390 CPL Invert the bits in A.
30391 SUB 12 A-=12.
30393 LD L,A L=A.
30394 LD H,186 H=186.
30396 LD DE,23141 DE=23141 (attribute buffer location).
30399 CALL 26771 Call 26771.
30402 LD HL,(30780) HL=*Fuel.
30405 LD A,H A=H.
30406 CP 4 Compare A with 4.
30408 CALL NC,27984 Call 27984 is higher.
30411 BIT 6,L Test bit 6 of L.
30413 CALL NZ,27984 Call 27984 not zero.
30416 JP 60403 Jump to 60403.
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