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C204: Data: Room #14
See Room #14.
The first seven bytes relate to the colours the room uses. See PopulateCurrentRoomBuffersAndReferences.
DataRoom14 C204 DEFB $07 Key Colour: WHITE.
C205 DEFB $06 Closed Door Colour: YELLOW.
C206 DEFB $00 Unused?: BLACK.
C207 DEFB $02 Scaffolding Colour: RED.
C208 DEFB $01 Border Colour: BLUE.
C209 DEFB $00 Paper Colour: BLACK.
C20A DEFB $04 Ladder Colour: GREEN.
C20B DEFB $FF Terminator.
Room scaffolding:
Scaffold #01.
C20C DEFB $21,$17 Start Coordinates: 21/ 17.
C20E DEFB $10 Length: 10.
Scaffold #02.
C20F DEFB $21,$03 Start Coordinates: 21/ 03.
C211 DEFB $10 Length: 10.
Scaffold #03.
C212 DEFB $21,$12 Start Coordinates: 21/ 12.
C214 DEFB $04 Length: 04.
Scaffold #04.
C215 DEFB $21,$0D Start Coordinates: 21/ 0D.
C217 DEFB $04 Length: 04.
Scaffold #05.
C218 DEFB $21,$08 Start Coordinates: 21/ 08.
C21A DEFB $04 Length: 04.
Scaffold #06.
C21B DEFB $09,$12 Start Coordinates: 09/ 12.
C21D DEFB $04 Length: 04.
Scaffold #07.
C21E DEFB $09,$0D Start Coordinates: 09/ 0D.
C220 DEFB $04 Length: 04.
Scaffold #08.
C221 DEFB $09,$08 Start Coordinates: 09/ 08.
C223 DEFB $04 Length: 04.
C224 DEFB $FF Terminator.
Door #01.
C225 DEFB $10,$11 Coordinates: 10/ 11.
C227 DEFB $05 Colour: CYAN.
C228 DEFB $09 Leads to room: 09.
Door #02.
C229 DEFB $08,$11 Coordinates: 08/ 11.
C22B DEFB $04 Colour: GREEN.
C22C DEFB $02 Leads to room: 02.
Door #03.
C22D DEFB $1D,$07 Coordinates: 1D/ 07.
C22F DEFB $02 Colour: RED.
C230 DEFB $0F Leads to room: 0F.
C231 DEFB $FF Terminator.
Ladder #01.
C232 DEFB $04,$12 Coordinates: 04/ 12.
Ladder #02.
C234 DEFB $20,$0D Coordinates: 20/ 0D.
Ladder #03.
C236 DEFB $04,$08 Coordinates: 04/ 08.
C238 DEFB $FF Terminator.
Keys and locked doors.
C239 DEFB $FF Terminator.
C23A DEFB $FF Terminator.
Pirate #01.
C23B DEFB $21,$06 Coordinates: 21/ 06.
C23D DEFB $03,$03
C23F DEFB $FF Horizontal movement: -1.
C240 DEFB $00,$20,$02,$03
C244 DEFB $06 Colour: YELLOW.
C245 DEFB $01,$03,$00,$21,$06,$03
C24B DEFB $FF Terminator.
Item #01.
C24C DEFB $21,$14 Coordinates: 21/ 14.
C24E DEFB $02,$02 Sprite width/ height: 02/ 02.
C250 DEFB $04 Colour: GREEN.
C251 DEFB $01 Collected: NO.
C252 DEFB $64 UDG: Graphics_Chest (64).
Item #02.
C253 DEFB $07,$14 Coordinates: 07/ 14.
C255 DEFB $02,$02 Sprite width/ height: 02/ 02.
C257 DEFB $06 Colour: YELLOW.
C258 DEFB $01 Collected: NO.
C259 DEFB $5C UDG: Graphics_Vase (5C).
Item #03.
C25A DEFB $1E,$0F Coordinates: 1E/ 0F.
C25C DEFB $02,$02 Sprite width/ height: 02/ 02.
C25E DEFB $07 Colour: WHITE.
C25F DEFB $01 Collected: NO.
C260 DEFB $6C UDG: Graphics_SpyGlass (6C).
Item #04.
C261 DEFB $1D,$0A Coordinates: 1D/ 0A.
C263 DEFB $02,$02 Sprite width/ height: 02/ 02.
C265 DEFB $03 Colour: MAGENTA.
C266 DEFB $01 Collected: NO.
C267 DEFB $70 UDG: Graphics_LogBook (70).
Item #05.
C268 DEFB $06,$0A Coordinates: 06/ 0A.
C26A DEFB $02,$02 Sprite width/ height: 02/ 02.
C26C DEFB $05 Colour: CYAN.
C26D DEFB $01 Collected: NO.
C26E DEFB $58 UDG: Graphics_Swag (58).
Item #06.
C26F DEFB $13,$05 Coordinates: 13/ 05.
C271 DEFB $02,$02 Sprite width/ height: 02/ 02.
C273 DEFB $04 Colour: GREEN.
C274 DEFB $01 Collected: NO.
C275 DEFB $64 UDG: Graphics_Chest (64).
Item #07.
C276 DEFB $09,$05 Coordinates: 09/ 05.
C278 DEFB $02,$02 Sprite width/ height: 02/ 02.
C27A DEFB $04 Colour: GREEN.
C27B DEFB $01 Collected: NO.
C27C DEFB $64 UDG: Graphics_Chest (64).
C27D DEFB $FF Terminator.
Item #01.
C27E DEFB $19,$07 Coordinates: 19/ 07.
C280 DEFB $68 UDG: Graphics_Stack3 (68).
C281 DEFB $04 Colour: GREEN.
Item #02.
C282 DEFB $11,$07 Coordinates: 11/ 07.
C284 DEFB $38 UDG: Graphics_Stack1 (38).
C285 DEFB $04 Colour: GREEN.
Item #03.
C286 DEFB $1F,$16 Coordinates: 1F/ 16.
C288 DEFB $50 UDG: Graphics_Stack2 (50).
C289 DEFB $05 Colour: CYAN.
C28A DEFB $FF Terminator.
Lift #01.
C28B DEFB $19,$12 Coordinates: 19/ 12.
C28D DEFB $03,$03
C28F DEFB $FF Horizontal movement: -1.
C290 DEFB $00 Vertical movement: NONE.
C291 DEFB $21,$03,$01
C294 DEFB $06 Colour: YELLOW.
C295 DEFB $19,$03,$0C,$03,$00,$00
Lift #02.
C29B DEFB $0C,$0D Coordinates: 0C/ 0D.
C29D DEFB $03,$03
C29F DEFB $01 Horizontal movement: +1.
C2A0 DEFB $00 Vertical movement: NONE.
C2A1 DEFB $21,$03,$01
C2A4 DEFB $06 Colour: YELLOW.
C2A5 DEFB $19,$03,$0C,$03,$00,$00
Lift #03.
C2AB DEFB $19,$08 Coordinates: 19/ 08.
C2AD DEFB $03,$03
C2AF DEFB $FF Horizontal movement: -1.
C2B0 DEFB $00 Vertical movement: NONE.
C2B1 DEFB $21,$03,$01
C2B4 DEFB $06 Colour: YELLOW.
C2B5 DEFB $19,$03,$0C,$03,$00,$00
C2BB DEFB $FF Terminator.
Disappearing floors:
C2BC DEFB $FF Terminator.
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