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Routines |
Prev: 61E5 | Up: Map | Next: 6260 |
Blank the 1UP, 2UP and HI scores.
GameInitialisation | 61EB | LD HL,$5CF0 | Write 00 to 0A bytes from High_Score to 5CFA. | |||||||||||||||||
61EE | LD BC,$0A00 | |||||||||||||||||||
GameInitialisation_Loop | 61F1 | LD (HL),C | ||||||||||||||||||
61F2 | INC HL | |||||||||||||||||||
61F3 | DJNZ GameInitialisation_Loop | |||||||||||||||||||
This entry point is used by the routine at PlayerReset.
Game_Restart | 61F5 | DI | Disable interrupts. | |||||||||||||||||
61F6 | LD SP,$5CF0 | Set the stack pointer to High_Score. | ||||||||||||||||||
61F9 | CALL CreateWindow | Call CreateWindow. | ||||||||||||||||||
61FC | LD A,$04 | Write 04 to JetmanSpeedModifier. | ||||||||||||||||||
61FE | LD ($5DCA),A | |||||||||||||||||||
GameInitialisation_0 | 6201 | CALL GameMenu | ||||||||||||||||||
6204 | LD A,($5CF3) | D=GameOptions. | ||||||||||||||||||
6207 | LD D,A | |||||||||||||||||||
6208 | LD A,$F7 | Read from the keyboard;
620A | OUT ($FD),A | |||||||||||||||||||
620C | IN A,($FE) | |||||||||||||||||||
620E | CPL | Flip the bits. | ||||||||||||||||||
Handle 1UP selection.
620F | BIT 0,A | Has key "1" been pressed? ("1 PLAYER GAME"). | ||||||||||||||||||
6211 | JR Z,GameSelect_CheckP2 | If not jump to GameSelect_CheckP2. | ||||||||||||||||||
6213 | RES 0,D | Set player count = 1. | ||||||||||||||||||
Handle 2UP selection.
GameSelect_CheckP2 | 6215 | BIT 1,A | Has key "2" been pressed? ("2 PLAYER GAME"). | |||||||||||||||||
6217 | JR Z,GameSelect_CheckKeyboard | If not jump to GameSelect_CheckKeyboard. | ||||||||||||||||||
6219 | SET 0,D | Set player count = 2. | ||||||||||||||||||
Handle Keyboard selection.
GameSelect_CheckKeyboard | 621B | BIT 2,A | Has key "3" been pressed? ("3 KEYBOARD"). | |||||||||||||||||
621D | JR Z,GameSelect_CheckKempston | If not jump to GameSelect_CheckKempston. | ||||||||||||||||||
621F | RES 1,D | Set control = "keyboard". | ||||||||||||||||||
Handle Kempston Joystick selection.
GameSelect_CheckKempston | 6221 | BIT 3,A | Has key "4" been pressed? ("4 KEMPSTON JOYSTICK"). | |||||||||||||||||
6223 | JR Z,GameSelect_CheckStart | If not jump to GameSelect_CheckStart. | ||||||||||||||||||
6225 | SET 1,D | Set control = "joystick". | ||||||||||||||||||
Handle starting a new game.
GameSelect_CheckStart | 6227 | BIT 4,A | Has key "5" been pressed? ("5 START GAME"). | |||||||||||||||||
6229 | JP NZ,StartGame | If so, jump to StartGame. | ||||||||||||||||||
Handle flashing each selection.
622C | LD A,D | |||||||||||||||||||
622D | LD ($5CF3),A | |||||||||||||||||||
6230 | LD HL,$628E | HL=GameSelection_Attributes+01 (i.e. ignoring "Game Selection" as it doesn't flash). | ||||||||||||||||||
6233 | LD A,($5CF3) | |||||||||||||||||||
6236 | LD C,A | |||||||||||||||||||
6237 | BIT 0,C | |||||||||||||||||||
6239 | JR NZ,GameInitialisation_3 | |||||||||||||||||||
623B | CALL GameInitialisation_5 | |||||||||||||||||||
GameInitialisation_1 | 623E | BIT 1,C | ||||||||||||||||||
6240 | JR NZ,GameInitialisation_4 | |||||||||||||||||||
6242 | CALL GameInitialisation_5 | |||||||||||||||||||
GameInitialisation_2 | 6245 | JP GameInitialisation_0 | ||||||||||||||||||
GameInitialisation_3 | 6248 | CALL GameInitialisation_6 | ||||||||||||||||||
624B | JR GameInitialisation_1 | |||||||||||||||||||
GameInitialisation_4 | 624D | CALL GameInitialisation_6 | ||||||||||||||||||
6250 | JR GameInitialisation_2 | |||||||||||||||||||
GameInitialisation_5 | 6252 | SET 7,(HL) | ||||||||||||||||||
6254 | INC HL | |||||||||||||||||||
6255 | RES 7,(HL) | |||||||||||||||||||
6257 | INC HL | |||||||||||||||||||
6258 | RET | |||||||||||||||||||
GameInitialisation_6 | 6259 | RES 7,(HL) | ||||||||||||||||||
625B | INC HL | |||||||||||||||||||
625C | SET 7,(HL) | |||||||||||||||||||
625E | INC HL | |||||||||||||||||||
625F | RET | |||||||||||||||||||
View the equivalent code in;
Prev: 61E5 | Up: Map | Next: 6260 |