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50112: Routine at C3C0
Used by the routine at Prep_Display_Phase.
50112 CALL Init_Duel Call Init_Duel.
50115 LD A,(50209) Grab 50209.
50118 JR NC,Rebuild
50120 INC A
Rebuild 50121 LD B,32 Interrupt driven HALT loop ($20 cycles).
Rebuild_Halt_Loop 50123 HALT
50124 DJNZ Rebuild_Halt_Loop
50126 LD E,A
50127 LD HL,(23430) Is Lives more than 6?
50130 LD A,(HL)
50131 CP 6
50133 JR C,50136 If so, jump to 50136.
50135 NOP
50136 AND A If Lives is zero then return.
50137 LD A,E
50138 RET NZ
50139 SCF Set the carry flag and return.
50140 RET
Kicks off the duelling bonus round.
Init_Duel 50141 PUSH BC Stashes BC and DE.
50142 PUSH DE
50143 LD DE,23424 Copies 27 of data from HL to Print_TwoToneText_Alias.
50146 LD BC,27
50149 LDIR
50151 JP Duel_Prep Jump to Duel_Prep.
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